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Do merchants quests... The caravan escorts are easy to do, and you make a lot of money. Or you could buy wares for a low price, and sell them for a higher price in another town, but you need to be a long time on the world map to do that, and that's very boring.

So I'd say, merchant quests. :wink:
The only problem with the escort is that if you get attacked by mountain bandits at a low level, kiss your army goodbye.
I usually pay the bandits off, its only 200 gold, and they stay away for awhile, those darn sea raiders don't offer an escape though.
i personally find the merchant-runs between towns very fun. bying tools from zendar and bringin them to tulga etc.. and the bandits really bring excitement to it.
It's actually much safer to do trade trips alone than with an escort. Unless all your troops are mounted, they slow you down big time and leave you vulnerable to attack by faster enemies, especially when you're carrying a full load. However, moving alone and with 3-6 pack horses depending on inventory size, you can move with enough speed to avoid enemies indefinitely, not to mention saving a lot of time.
I recommend both trading and doing merchant quests. My personal style is to do trading at lower levels, and then once you are higher level and feeling more comfortable taking on more challenging fights, start doing the merchant quests.

Early on, try and have a fast a map movement speed as possible and start with the small items to trade and avoid large and/or powerful groups of enemies that you don't feel secure enough to engage. If you encounter bandits, you can often just pay them and they will let you go.

Once you are higher level, have some decent troops under your command and some better equipment, start doing some merchant quests, which give you both experience and gold.

Early on, betting on yourself in tournaments can also get you some quick money and level you up if you're good at them and win more often than not.
Cheats works fine

go to Mount&Blade/rgl_config.txt
and in the bottom line of that text should be
Cheat_mode = 0
switch 0 to 1

And then while gameplay in item screen press ctrl + X
If I need money then I just sit outside of a town like Rivacheg and kill the caravans that are trying to get there or leave there. Make sure you have enough mounted troops to take down a caravan, and enough space in your inventory for a lot of stuff.
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