Monday Official Public Event - 7pm GMT/8pm CET (New Thread due to new Admins)

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need to agree with kator, i like lancers (atleast in lb's :razz:) it's makes fighting harder, (tho in offical battle it's annyoing :3) 

anyway, hope to see u all back next week!  :smile:
gokiller said:
need to agree with kator, i like lancers (atleast in lb's :razz:) it's makes fighting harder, (tho in offical battle it's annyoing :3) 

anyway, hope to see u all back next week!  :smile:

Find it funny when people say that lancers are OPed ... think its just generally people don't know how to fight them. Regiment and myself have never had problems fighting lancers and sworded cavalry.

Best Advice i'd give to a regiment fighting lancers, downblock, dodge couches but stab the rear of the horse so they can't get your friends, Chamber their lances!!! (Yes you can chamber a lance like any other weapon), go for the ones with swords out, lances outrange bayonetes (Even prussian and Russian lances) ... don't try be heroic and take it steady.

*Updated again, not a big change but more info.


Much more historically accurate. Cenzii isn't a fan of them but it improves the battle experience.

We have something quite special planned for this monday and we are going to need every person we can get. I'll update the thread soon with our first "unique" public event.

"1te Regiment - Refusing to heed commands and commands from admins."

The commander had us not in the whisperlist for the 1st round... well.... sry...
vonHinten said:
"1te Regiment - Refusing to heed commands and commands from admins."

The commander had us not in the whisperlist for the 1st round... well.... sry...

It Seems a little late considering that was put up a week ago. if you have a problem with my/our judgement them we can take this to PM.

@ Special event

Unfortunately the special wont be taking place tommorow so it will just be normal (Tommorow's LB is not cancelled it will just be played as usual) due to more time needed for planning and preperation.

oh oh.. a shame :sad:

edit: Oh well tbh i think it's better if u do it next week? asfar Saturday there will be a Waterloo event being hold during the "saturday lb" so it would fit more :smile:
Looking forward to it. :smile:

Edit: Might lead my own line tonight, was a while ago.
Oooh a Monday line battle too, I could have more friends able to make this one.

What time is it at (didn't see it in OP, if I missed it I blame it on not having my contacts in yet :razz:)?

Also, if I and about 6-8 friends joined, would we be allowed to stay in our own line or is every line organized to be at the max cap of 16?
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