Monday Official Public Event - 7pm GMT/8pm CET (New Thread due to new Admins)

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Master Knight

Why smaller? Regiments usually have the stupidity(sorry for calling it this way) of not joining a channel with another regiment in there. This might cause a 5 men regiment to be filled up with only public men, which isn't much, and keep them small while on the other side there could be a big regiment with the same amount of public people taking in a whole channel. This usually caused large inbalancement into the teams. The usual limit for regimental members of one regiment to be in one channel will probably be gone for next monday as it might not work out with these smaller channels, mostly because I usually already have a few raging people who can't join their friends and it has never ever been a public person but a regimental one...

For the rest everything stays the same.

on another note, there will from now on always be a Russian and Polish speaking channel. If there are enough people(11) from another language I can sure make them a channel if its requested atleast 1 hour BEFORE the event starts.

- You join by joining teamspeak 3(see details below) and waiting patiently for the password to be given after you joined one of the available channels. Afterwards you simply login to the game and do listen to orders of the captain in your channel.
- Commanders are chosen before the linebattle starts, sometimes an hour and sometimes a week in advance. Would you like to command? simply send Wolfstar a PM or add him to steam: peter8230.
- Commanders choose 3 scouts to join their comanding company in battle and for every channel of their faction they pick a captain to command it after people joined it.
- Channels will be created when others are filled to the top, They will have limits of 16 men for line infantry, 11 for cavalry and light infantry and 4 for artillary. the last three will probably have 2 channels on the max but the line will have alot more.
- Permanent Admins are:
  • Rudovich (Honorary)
  • Cenzii;
  • Wolfstar;
  • Chibbi

- Other Admins will be chosen on Demand. If you were an admin chosen one week it does not mean you will be again.

- For any other questions add peter8230 on steam or PM me or Cenzii on

May the strongest be victorious!


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download it here:

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Warning List!
Anyone on this list is to be watched and are on the verge of being banned from all further lbs.

We need some..

Nice new tread!

A must read for all who attend the Monday's Public Linebattles

Great info and a very good description about the structure of the battles :wink:

Regards Megaberna
I haven't attended this in quite a while. I'll give it another try and see how it goes.  :wink:
Great work, looking forward to the next battle. Perhaps this could be something to make sticky?
Vince's and Beaver's Decision, though It would be nice I dont know whether It should be put beside the Main and most important threads :wink:

I would like to be the general this evening (if possible). Faction doesn't matter. Thank you.
The Linebattle will be going on tommorow as usual, Commanders are needed so if you would like to apply PM me or add me on steam.

PS. Dont apply if you have no idea what you are doing or cannot use teamspeak Whisphers.

I'll speak with my regiment and if they want to take part we'll grab 4 - 3 men ( low but something to have fun with :wink: )
Even now tons of ppl playing it but lets hope ppl join in decent numbers at least :roll:

I'll try to get a spot in cannon team as operator like shooter, if I get the chance. :wink:
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