mohdm3's banter.

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I would like the mod to have all the differant races, armor, armies, and every thing else!

The map should be the basic Morrowind map with all the cities and people.

Thank you

Mohdm3 :grin: :!:

Nobody will make it ... Friendly advice : Lock the thread before you get flamed ...
they have a thread for this.  :wink:,10276.0.html

Silver Wolf said:
Nobody will make it ... Friendly advice : Lock the thread before you get flamed ...

good advice.
No idea where to even start with this one, so I will just put one foot down blindly....

Is this a joke?  Never in the history of video games has a mod that requires such time and effort to make as one you are asking been made after such a basic request.

Please, at least say something like:  Has anyone ever thought of making a mod in the setting of TES III: Morrowind?  The amount of lore would really make it a different and rich setting for a mod.  I have X skills (OR) I have no modding skills but would try to help by doing research and making ideas for such a mod.  Is anyone interested?

Live, learn.

Hopefully that was a low broil  :lol:
shalictar said:
they have a thread for this.  :wink:,10276.0.html

Silver Wolf said:
Nobody will make it ... Friendly advice : Lock the thread before you get flamed ...

good advice.
How many threads have i visited today with someone posting this link?
Geeze, it waas just an idea. no nead to blow up in my face about it. if you dont like than just say you dont like it.THATS ALL YOU NEED TO SAY!!!!
If anyone can do this i would apreciate it, a WW2 mod. American Marines against thee Japs. MY idea for the map should be all differant islands.


mohdm3 said:
Tiberius Decimus Maximus said:
Good luck with getting respect on this one.

Its just an idea doesnt have to be done.

Yes, but god damnit, we go over these threads at least three times daily, and many of us have been here for days straight. Also, I have yet to actually see a mod 'idea' thread that has actually resulted in the making and completion of a mod, without the actual poster participating in making the mod, which is a extremely rare occurance. So please, stop with the damn threads, and if you really need to post a idea, go to the 'mod idea' thread at the top of the list in the Pioneers guild.
Make your own?
Or post in the mod idea thread

Btw.. No respect from here
mohdm3 said:
Geeze, it waas just an idea. no nead to blow up in my face about it. if you dont like than just say you dont like it.THATS ALL YOU NEED TO SAY!!!!
I don't think this forum is the place for you
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