Module System

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I downloaded the module system (the python files) and I placed them in a folder called ModuleSystem in the M&B folder. Module_info points to the native folder:  export_dir = "C:/Program Files/Mount&Blade/Modules/Native/"

I changed king Ragnar's face code in module_troops and clicked on the build_module batch file. Nothing changed in the game... what am I doing wrong?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO, never change native, it's the best backup.

actually changing the face should work like this :???:

any error messages while compiling?
You probadly want to start a new game, most of the stuff you edit in the module system is not compitable with saved games :smile:

EDIT: I change native aswell for Europe 1200 :razz:
First, copy the folder "Native" to the same location, giving you a folder called "Copy of Native".

Next, rename the folder to the name of your mod. Let's call it "Test", for example.

Third, for ease, create a folder within mod Test called "Source". Dump the .py and .bat files in there. Then you can change module_info to" "export_dir = "../" Now, the source will rebuild over the files in mod Test.

You can also start the game in Edit Mode from the M&B launcher screen (last tab), and enter windowed mode by hitting ALT+ENTER if I remember correctly. One of the menu options will be to "Reload module data" or such. This will force some but not all changes you just built to take effect.
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