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Assuming you already have python, you can edit it with that. Just right click, edit with IDLE.

If you just want something other than that, try notepad ++ that's what I've used since I discovered it. Much easier on the eyes than that white on black python setup.
octoburn said:
Assuming you already have python, you can edit it with that. Just right click, edit with IDLE.

If you just want something other than that, try notepad ++ that's what I've used since I discovered it. Much easier on the eyes than that white on black python setup.
No i don't have python. When i went on the website to download there was a bunch of different ones and also no download links. Thats why i was asking if you could use notepad
Notepad is but an application to open and present the language that the file is in.
You'll need the python language to open .py files on your computer.
I'd advise that you download python v2.6 as well as notepad ++
here's everything in a single package:
much handier than having to dig for the separate parts.
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