Module Question (Not technical)

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Alright, so I got this game, and I've played it before, and I wanted to get some mods for it. I was wondering what the best mods are for it that are also compatible with each other. I'd like to get mods that give you better graphics and realistic gameplay. However, I'm reluctant to download any mods without first A) Knowing they're all compatible with each other and B) Making sure they work well. If I've posted this in the wrong forum, I'm sorry, and feel free to move it to the correct one. Thanks to everyone who helps me, in advance.
HAbasta said:
What do you mean if thier compatable with each other?

Anyways, there's a sticky in the Pioneer's Guild called "Native compatible mods". Those are all compatible with Native and any other mod, but generally no other mods will function together.
He means if they all can run together without causing a crash or a bug.

Well, your best bet is to find a "big mod" you want to play and go to its thread and ask, but for most mods you can add graphical enchament, better/more sounds
and more ladders to a siege or so. But the best thing is to ask people that knows alot about the specific mod.
Available mods (I think most of them are for current version 1.010/1.011). Check Mod Child Board.,9.0.html

A) Major mods should work on its own and don't interfere with each other or Native.

Enhancement mods (mods that make the game looks or plays better in Native) may need some assembling and may conflict.
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