Lucious Maximus

For some reason after upgrading to windows 7 none of my module.ini edits work with mods or native.(non warband) Even edits in item_kinds1.txt do not work.
This is the setup I have my module.ini file and there is no change in game play(note I do not play with these exact settings I just made them real high to make sure that the edits were not working):
Edit: Just realized this is the warband tech support could a mod move this to the mount and blade tech support?
This is the setup I have my module.ini file and there is no change in game play(note I do not play with these exact settings I just made them real high to make sure that the edits were not working):
Edit: Just realized this is the warband tech support could a mod move this to the mount and blade tech support?
time_multiplier = 5.55
seeing_range = 20.5
track_spotting_multiplier = 10.8
blood_multiplier = 10.0
# heroes with health below this will not appear in battles and will not contribute to party skills.
player_wounded_treshold = 1
hero_wounded_treshold = 1
skill_prisoner_management_bonus = 10
skill_leadership_bonus = 10
base_companion_limit = 9
player_xp_multiplier = 2000.0;
hero_xp_multiplier = 2000.0;
regulars_xp_multiplier = 3000.0;
display_wp_firearms = 0
# damage below this will not interrupt melee attacks
damage_interrupt_attack_threshold = 2.0
# You can modify the damage system by editing the following values:
# The first three values determine the amount which will be directly subtracted from damage due to armor.
# The next three values determine the percentage reduction from the damage.
armor_soak_factor_against_cut = 0.65
armor_soak_factor_against_pierce = 0.35
armor_soak_factor_against_blunt = 0.3
armor_reduction_factor_against_cut = 1.0
armor_reduction_factor_against_pierce = 0.65
armor_reduction_factor_against_blunt = 0.65
horse_charge_damage_multiplier = 2.0
couched_lance_damage_multiplier = 1.75
#setting speed_power to 2.0 makes damage scale with the square of missile's speed.
# you can set it to 1.0 to make it scale linearly as it was before.
missile_damage_speed_power = 2.0;
melee_damage_speed_power = 2.0;
#change this to 0 if you want to keep the food slot in inventory window.
disable_food_slot = 1