Mods on Steam Version

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most likely yes (i don't have the steam version) you will probly have to install mods to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common folder and a folder named mount&blade should be there with a module folder (i don't have steam version so i dont know!)
Tyga, yeah that's pretty much the right directory.

I use the Steam version and yes, everything works as it should, quite surprising actually, considering Steam usually ****s up 3rd Party games like that.
Yeah, so far ive had to trouble, with mods just because its a "steam" version
You may have trouble with mods that you dont have to extract from Win, but have to install.
When it ask you what path, it should be


sorry my path, directing thing isn't the best but you get the picture
ok, thanks.

For the ones that dont install, do I unzip into the M&B steam folder and choose the copy/replace option when windows message comes up?
Don't replace anything, Open
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\mount and blade\Modules

and extract the module files to there. Don't replace anything.
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