Mods id like to be made if possible.

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Hi, I was wondering if some one could possibly make a mod similar to the Movie called "The Last Samurai" or something like that

And yes im aware of the mod to be soon coming out "Heaven And Earth" mod.
To be Honest I was planning to do that after I finished Heaven and Earth
(The Last Samurai)
The Wutai War will be pretty much that way upon completion.
A faction with modern weaponry vs a faction of Samurais and padoga warriors.
But somebody might get on an idea after reading his post, or post here about the idea his one reminded them off.  :eek: Still, better to have these in the idea tread than to spam this board with them, ImpSplash.
well that's good to hear shalicar cause i just watched the movie and its pretty cool and also i know luckyduckly
that no one will make a mod for just me its just i wanted to know if there is one made similar to this or is in the process of being made.
hey Mahisa i thought hegemony wasnt out yet well for my vers it isnt and lol cool pics of "The Holy Grail" (monty Python) on your profile.
ImpSmash said:
hey Mahisa i thought hegemony wasnt out yet well for my vers it isnt and lol cool pics of "The Holy Grail" (monty Python) on your profile.

Timeless Kingdoms is out. However, Hegemony 268 b.c. is not. You see the difference?

Also, you might wan't to press modify and put all those posts into one post.
what a coincidence, I'm making something similar to "the last samurai"

same period in time, flintlock pistols, samurai etc.(it also will have an American faction)

however i warn you that for now its going to be more of a mini-mod a lot of things will change but buildings will stay the same and complicated things like that but i have asked someone if they will make me a map, I'm waiting for a reply

but saying that, if i get enough support and a few helpers who can mod then i will make this as large as possible with a complete new world, i will post the link to my topic when i make it after this post with also a little more background

i really like history and learning about it, as of yet i don't know much about the samurai but i know the basics and I'm researching and comprehending

i will post the link in a few moments, keep checking here
Well. ''The Last Samurai '' was an great movie.

That would be possible,you see. There are many things that can be putted into MB without taking much work.

But,its better you play some mod there are just about to be available to download,because do an entire mod of the movie will take some time,you know.


this is the link to the topic about my mod that is similar to the last samurai

(no release date yet and message me if you would like to help
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