Grandmaster Knight
"Keep your hands off my source (files)!"
ModMerger framework is just a glorified name for a bunch of python scripts/file arrangement that aims to provide an example for modders on how to keep their modded contents out of each others and also out of the original source files, so that 0-config porting to newer game versions or mixing non-conflicting mods can be possible. (even where not, probably less effort to do actual port, once set up that is)
In plain english, it just means that when done properly, people can be lazy when installing mini-mods coz they don't have to following long-winded instructions to do lots of manual edits.
This is the link to the original ramblings (only for those with nothing else better to do):
To add a ModMerger-wrapped mod, just place the mod files (should not overwrite any original source) and add the mod-id to modmerger_options.py (more instructions in readmes)
Current "MM-modpacks" using ModMerger:
Problems, suggestions, feedback welcome. If any python gurus have any ideas to make this even simpler, (enter auditorium mode, increase reverb)
Change log
+ Fixed bug with mission_templates's variable list for vanilla versions (thanks to motomataru).
+ Fixed error with vanilla for missing info_pages and postfx modules.
+ Fixed use of map without assignment in header file (may cause prob with earlier python?).
+ Added GameMenuWrapper to util_wrappers.
+ Added MissionTemplateWrapper to util_wrappers.
+ Fixed bug with PresentationWrapper.FindTrigger always returning first trigger.
+ First release.
"Keep your hands off my source (files)!"
Caba`drin said:I never have quite understood why sphere's creations didn't get a bit more attention when they came out, but in any case, I have found his ModMerger framework to be extraordinarily useful...so useful that I added a few functions and patched a few bugs I noted in the current wrappers, and I figured I might as well release it aside from any of my mods that get packaged with it in case others might find it useful.
ModMerger additions (to the 0.2.5 hotix'd version)
Two files are changed from the standard ModMerger download
and a new file
The changes include:
Two New Wrappers
Three New Wrapper Functions
One new general function
One new utility function set
A few small bugfixes to wrappers and their functions
- Added jrider's New Presentations
- Added XGM: Mod Options
- Fixed some vanilla version issues. It should work with pre-warband versions again, though there might still be undiscovered bugs. please help me by feeding back. thanks!
ModMerger framework is just a glorified name for a bunch of python scripts/file arrangement that aims to provide an example for modders on how to keep their modded contents out of each others and also out of the original source files, so that 0-config porting to newer game versions or mixing non-conflicting mods can be possible. (even where not, probably less effort to do actual port, once set up that is)
In plain english, it just means that when done properly, people can be lazy when installing mini-mods coz they don't have to following long-winded instructions to do lots of manual edits.
This is the link to the original ramblings (only for those with nothing else better to do):
Note: Before anything, backup your existing files!!!
Make sure your current build has no prob (build_module.bat can build the module successfully)
1) download, extract and place all the files in the module system directory
2) execute "modmerger_installer.py". If you have .py files properly associated with python, you just have to double click it in file explorer
3) there is a simple menu, read and respond.
Immediately after "installation", run your build_module.bat to see if anything is broken. If not, you should be good.
Make sure your current build has no prob (build_module.bat can build the module successfully)
1) download, extract and place all the files in the module system directory
2) execute "modmerger_installer.py". If you have .py files properly associated with python, you just have to double click it in file explorer
3) there is a simple menu, read and respond.
Immediately after "installation", run your build_module.bat to see if anything is broken. If not, you should be good.
To add a ModMerger-wrapped mod, just place the mod files (should not overwrite any original source) and add the mod-id to modmerger_options.py (more instructions in readmes)
Current "MM-modpacks" using ModMerger:
- (download) eXtended Game Mechanics: Mod Options
- (download) eXtended Game Mechanics: Item Powers (also by me. it's my demo/1st experiment)
- (download) motomataru's formations (aka Battlefield Tactics Kit) The original thread for the mod is here.
- (download) rubik's all items presentation, original thread here.(updated for 0.2.2)
- (download) rubik's battle minimap, extracted from his Custom Commander, original thread here.
- (download) jrider's new presentations (v1.2), original thread here. (Note: due to a "cyclic" dependency on ID_meshes.py, there could be an error during first build unless ID_meshes.py is generated first. Ignore the errors and building a second time will give no further problems.)
Problems, suggestions, feedback welcome. If any python gurus have any ideas to make this even simpler, (enter auditorium mode, increase reverb)
(insert auditorium echoes: Past past past past....).It is time for an Alliance, a Revolution, to Chase the Dream that the Chore of manually Porting/Merging Mods will be a Thing of the Past
and of course, we could also fail miserably at the end
Change log
+ Fixed bug with mission_templates's variable list for vanilla versions (thanks to motomataru).
+ Fixed error with vanilla for missing info_pages and postfx modules.
+ Fixed use of map without assignment in header file (may cause prob with earlier python?).
+ Added GameMenuWrapper to util_wrappers.
+ Added MissionTemplateWrapper to util_wrappers.
+ Fixed bug with PresentationWrapper.FindTrigger always returning first trigger.
+ First release.