Modifying your shield.

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I've been playing fable the lost chapters ™ for some time. Some of you may know there was an option there, which allowed you to create your own tattoos. You simply had to find the right folders and open them with MS Paint.

I wonder if there is the same possibility about modifying my banner to a Templars cross?
If I cant do it that way, maybe someone can put a little time in making a mod for it (if possible).

Thanks, Ikor  :wink:
oooh mod requests from a recruit neverrr go down well.

Fortunately for you, there are ways of doing it already.

go to the mount&blade directory and open up the "textures" folder.

Then you need to open one of the files.

Most programs don't read dds but there are converters.

you can edit any of the banners here and overwrite one of the tiles with your own logo.

However it may be easier to just request it in the banner request thread. Some of the people there are very good.

Closing note: none of the information I have given you here is new. Please search harder.
Well, if you say requests from recruits never go down well, I'll better try doing it myself.  :wink:
If it works I'll post it over here.

Thanks alot dude  :!:

EDIT: - Where can I find the converted file?
        - When I have converted the file with my current banner, will it do if I only modify my current banner? Because      there are alot more banners...
jik said:
if you have photoshop, invida has a DDS plugin.  Easiest way to go.

I do have photoshop. I have Photoshop elements 6.0 so can you explain me how? And do you know if, if i'm ready with adding my own logo, I have to make it a .dds file again?
if you get the dds plugin, you can both open and save dds files.  Yes you will need to save it in dds format (DXT1 for regular images, DXT5 for alphaed images).

Just open one of the files in the textures folder and edit one of the flags there.  I would suggest the first one, as there are 2 that are not coded properly (I think the 15th and 22nd, but I fixed it a long time ago in my mod).
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