Modify weapon stats during mission

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I am trying to modify weapon stats (specifically SwingSpeed, ThrustSpeed, and whatever controls ranged weapons' draw/throw speed) for each Agent during a battle. I have found a way to access and set the stats I want, but they don't seem to change anything, except make melee weapons unable to hit at all.

This is the code I have so far, which gets called using a Harmony prefix patch OnAgentHit().
private static void ChangeWeaponSpeeds(Agent agent, double speedMultiplier)
    speedMultiplier = speedMultiplier < Stamina.Instance.MaximumStaminaDebuff ? Stamina.Instance.MaximumStaminaDebuff : speedMultiplier;

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        if (!(agent.Equipment[i].CurrentUsageItem == null))
            PropertyInfo property = typeof(WeaponComponentData).GetProperty("SwingSpeed");
            property.SetValue(agent.Equipment[i].PrimaryItem.PrimaryWeapon, (int)(agent.Equipment[i].PrimaryItem.PrimaryWeapon.SwingSpeed * speedMultiplier), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, null);

            property = typeof(WeaponComponentData).GetProperty("ThrustSpeed");
            property.SetValue(agent.Equipment[i].PrimaryItem.PrimaryWeapon, (int)(agent.Equipment[i].PrimaryItem.PrimaryWeapon.ThrustSpeed * speedMultiplier), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, null);

            //property = typeof(WeaponComponentData).GetProperty("MissileSpeed");
            //property.SetValue(agent.Equipment[i].PrimaryItem.PrimaryWeapon, (int)(agent.Equipment[i].PrimaryItem.PrimaryWeapon.SwingSpeed * speedMultiplier), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null, null);

If anyone has any clues on how an attack is calculated to be a hit/miss, or other information on what needs to be called to use the weapons' new stats, it would be greatly appreciated.
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