
Hey guys,
So here is the concept of what i am trying to make, Bascially like the name says a Modern age type mod.
new buildings, new weapons, new armour, bascially new everything.
my idea for weapons are like assault rifles, knifes, throwing knives, axes, pistols, shoguns, even some swords etc..
armours along the line of different types of kevlar vests, (dragon skins, interpector vest etc..) maybe even something litte more sci-fi just to make things little interesting like spider silk vest ha.
for transpertation, can still need a few horses around, i was thinking choppers? or do you guys think land vehicles would work better?
food, now here is where it might get tricky, in each town i wanted to put restaraunts maybe, so depending on what faction owns that city is the different types of food you can get, example chineeese food, american, itallian just to make things interesting..
now for factions, i wanted to do like one faction who is like U.S based spends more on military than it dose anything else, yet is more advanced then others. and another faction who is like anti-machina (like in finalfantasy XII) bascially soldiers with just swords and ows n stuff but they have thick armour to project them from foes with ranged gun powder weapons, and another faction who are like every evil villin every they want to take over the world, than have a faction that is of like a black market type nation thugs, theives etc...
(here is a begining stages of a town) all i have now is like the main building which would be like the Castle in native where the king or (president or dictator) w.e you want to call him/her. and i have a barracks where you will be able to buy, weapons, ammo, armour and maybe a few mercenaries i might put them in the pub tho..
let me know what you guys think, ideas? suggestions? fixes?
anything you guys can offer would be much appriciated =)
So here is the concept of what i am trying to make, Bascially like the name says a Modern age type mod.
new buildings, new weapons, new armour, bascially new everything.
my idea for weapons are like assault rifles, knifes, throwing knives, axes, pistols, shoguns, even some swords etc..
armours along the line of different types of kevlar vests, (dragon skins, interpector vest etc..) maybe even something litte more sci-fi just to make things little interesting like spider silk vest ha.
for transpertation, can still need a few horses around, i was thinking choppers? or do you guys think land vehicles would work better?
food, now here is where it might get tricky, in each town i wanted to put restaraunts maybe, so depending on what faction owns that city is the different types of food you can get, example chineeese food, american, itallian just to make things interesting..
now for factions, i wanted to do like one faction who is like U.S based spends more on military than it dose anything else, yet is more advanced then others. and another faction who is like anti-machina (like in finalfantasy XII) bascially soldiers with just swords and ows n stuff but they have thick armour to project them from foes with ranged gun powder weapons, and another faction who are like every evil villin every they want to take over the world, than have a faction that is of like a black market type nation thugs, theives etc...
(here is a begining stages of a town) all i have now is like the main building which would be like the Castle in native where the king or (president or dictator) w.e you want to call him/her. and i have a barracks where you will be able to buy, weapons, ammo, armour and maybe a few mercenaries i might put them in the pub tho..

let me know what you guys think, ideas? suggestions? fixes?
anything you guys can offer would be much appriciated =)