modelling question

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Ok, Im learning moddeling and im i got another question...

If i make a model, its got all black lines and spots can i make these lines inviseble while playing in m&b. Or is it becouse I sharpened too much?

thnx in advance, thadivine
I think the lines are crossed when you sharpen them too much. Thats why they are black.
the lines are "hard" or what you call sharpened and "soft" when in game. This is due to smoothing groups. Its meant like that so you can make curves look good. You can set lines to hard and soft in wings 3d and when you press "tab" you can preview what it will look like in game. I'm not sure if M&B supports smoothing groups tho. I havent tried them out.
Well, I use Milkshape, so it depends on what you use, Milkshape has a pretty easy system of making smoothing groups.
ok...I find it very hard to comparrison to wings3d

any1 knows how to do it in wings or maybe some1 could explain me what to do? I selected things clicked a gruop then assign or somthing and just nothing happened...

thnx in advance,

Well, I paid $20 for MS3D (Best 20 bucks I've ever spent, but its $25 now), but that was atleast 9 years ago I think.
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