Modding Q&A [For Quick Questions and Answers]

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Looting decisions are handled by script_process_hero_ai, which is regularly called from triggers. If you use (party_set_slot, [party], slot_party_ai_state, spai_raiding_around_center) and create a new trigger based on the part for the AI state spai_raiding_around_center, the party will raid the enemy village in the vicinity that's not already raided when it's fired.
Dusk Voyager said:
Looting decisions are handled by script_process_hero_ai, which is regularly called from triggers. If you use (party_set_slot, [party], slot_party_ai_state, spai_raiding_around_center) and create a new trigger based on the part for the AI state spai_raiding_around_center, the party will raid the enemy village in the vicinity that's not already raided when it's fired.
Hello! How to do that in the quest notes on displays/shows quest text/description?
The 'setup_quest_text' command in Dialogs does not help for me. Or it can only be done with strings? :???:

I have really treid to find the answer on this because I am sure it was asked many times, but I didn't manage to find it.

I have added several armors to npc troop items pool.

Troop in game still tends to use mostly only single type of armor  eventually two types of armor.
How to "ensure" that troops in game mix more?

Thank you in advance.
Cigic said:

I have really treid to find the answer on this because I am sure it was asked many times, but I didn't manage to find it.

I have added several armors to npc troop items pool.

Troop in game still tends to use mostly only single type of armor  eventually two types of armor.
How to "ensure" that troops in game mix more?

Thank you in advance.

I was also looking for this too and asked for it in the modding discord

Another question regarding the equipment of AI. I would like to diversify their equipment, so the bots don't look too unique. How much diversity is possible? To be more specific, how many different armouries/helmets (given they have the same stats) can I assign to them and they are choosing randomly one? Is there a limit. Or can I just put in what I have?

This was Kraggrim's response to it

They can carry a lot, but they won't use them evenly
I think VC might have had some sort of mission trigger for ensuring a more even distribution, might be wrong tho

I only haven't had myself enough time yet to look up the mission triggers there^^
[Bcw]Btm_Earendil said:
I only haven't had myself enough time yet to look up the mission triggers there^^

normal distribution based on the value (price) of items, so play with the cost/value/price to change the Native behavior (or add copies of a item).

to replace that VC uses this (see module_mission_templates)

  #Armor randomization
  (ti_on_agent_spawn, 0, 0, [],

in short: spawns normal agent, removes gear and replaces with a custom distribution when needed it
kalarhan said:
[Bcw]Btm_Earendil said:
I only haven't had myself enough time yet to look up the mission triggers there^^

normal distribution based on the value (price) of items, so play with the cost/value/price to change the Native behavior (or add copies of a item).

to replace that VC uses this (see module_mission_templates)

  #Armor randomization
  (ti_on_agent_spawn, 0, 0, [],

in short: spawns normal agent, removes gear and replaces with a custom distribution when needed it

Thanks for the answer! If I understood it correctly it picks them automatically randomly if the price of the items is always the same (and the stats as well), is that correct?
kalarhan said:
normal distribution based on the value (price) of items, so play with the cost/value/price to change the Native behavior (or add copies of a item).

Does this take item modifiers into account? I have troops that are equipped with several imod versions of the same armour (usually, rusty-plain-reinforced), but they tend to only use one. However I believe they always equip the plain one (without modifier) - would need to re-check that.
[Bcw]Btm_Earendil said:
Thanks for the answer! If I understood it correctly it picks them automatically randomly if the price of the items is always the same (and the stats as well), is that correct?

nope, it is a weighted normal distribution
I want to add polished landscapes to a viking conquest mod I am working on, can anyone give me or direct me to a guide to do so? I have looked through the threads but found no specifics related to VC and obviously the module.ini etc is different to warband.

I want to know if all the polished landscape contents are worth adding to VC and where I need to add the lines in the module.ini/what lines I need to delete.

Sorry if I sound like a total noob!  :razz:

Polished landscapes link -,122423.0.html
Youngragnar said:
but found no specifics related to VC

check VC mods subforum to see if you like any of the graphics overhauls available in there. To integrate something like Warband Polished Landscapes you will need to mess with some files and tools, it is not a simple copy and paste in this case. I am not aware of a guide for that, but do keep in mind that VC modsys and flora source are available if you want to do that.
I have this idea for a mod where I need to make the world map smaller.
I will be removing alot of towns, castles and villages, and one or two factions.
How and where do I change the world map, so I can load it up In thorgrims and make my base map.  :grin:

Any help is apreciated!
kalarhan said:
Youngragnar said:
but found no specifics related to VC

check VC mods subforum to see if you like any of the graphics overhauls available in there. To integrate something like Warband Polished Landscapes you will need to mess with some files and tools, it is not a simple copy and paste in this case. I am not aware of a guide for that, but do keep in mind that VC modsys and flora source are available if you want to do that.

Thanks for the info, any specific one people would reccomend from there such as the reworked environment? The polished landscapes is a favourite for me but I couldnt get it right with VC (texture bugs etc) with a guide not specific to VC and I'm all for the easier option  :wink:
Youngragnar said:
any specific one people would reccomend from there such as the reworked environment?

well graphics overhauls/tweaks are about personal taste, so try them all (look at screens/videos/download it) and see if one fits your bill. With luck you can stop at that and not invest dozens of hours to create your own version (harder way).
I am trying to make my own world map, and have been pretty successful thus far. Right now I have made the overall shape of the continent from a .bmp file, and I got it loaded into Cartographer, moved all the locations to land, etc etc. I am currently stuck on blender. Specifically, I have exported from Swyter's Cartographer to .obj, I have reduced a lot of vertices in blender with decimation, and am now trying to import the new .obj back into cartographer. When I do so, though, I see this:

This is what the map looks like in cartographer, although in some of my testing to try to fix this it would also appear as all grey.


Here is the console

Here are my Blender Import/Export settings:
I made sure to use the proper OBJ import settings I found

I made sure only my map was selected (when switching to edit mode from object mode, I could confirm that everything was selected)

These are my export settings

Someone else had this problem in the Cartographer thread, but they said they fixed it by downgrading their Blender. I have used both v2.75 and v2.79, as I have seen videos in which both versions of Blender successfully imported the .obj into Cartrographer.

Does anyone have any pointers/advice?
Hey everyone.

Does anyone know how to make town,castle and village names smaller?
I know that the icon size can be changed however the names are way
too big when the icons have been scaled down.
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