Somebody said:Hardcoded terrain vertex colours
# SO, i guess something like this:
(troop_get_slot, ":player_renown", "trp_player", slot_troop_renown)
(gt, ":player_renown", 500) # but this is just for player example which doesnt applies here.
(assign, ":party_template", ":party_template_c"),
Strange.Somebody said:Upgrade xp depends on the troop you upgrade from, not to
#formula : int needed_upgrade_xp = 2 * (30 + 0.006f * level_boundaries[troops[troop_id].level + 3]);
Yes, I changed the face code and the equipment chaged, too.Somebody said:Give it a guarantee flag and it will have at least one item of the type. The game biases against polearms (or at least agent don't use them as often) and I think the facecode is a seed in the equipment selection process (back in the old days troop face-code used to persist in your party or something along with their loadout).
dion1195 said:In the be[color]ginning your character has these standart items...
I want o get rid of those and give him diffrent ones but eveytime i give him new items he also has to old.
i use morghs troop and item editor
The elephant will move like a horse. You can't add new horse "races" like you can for people, so you're stuck with the elephant cantering and galloping like a horse.Stan233 said:I don't know which files I have to change in the modules for it to be like a real life elephant in-game
You'll have to be clearer than that.Suspicious Pilgrim said:How would I go about adding lord personalities? How can I make it so they are only assigned to one person?
What if I change some animations, sounds won't it be doable or do you have to have a specific race for an elephant?Lumos said:The elephant will move like a horse. You can't add new horse "races" like you can for people, so you're stuck with the elephant cantering and galloping like a horse.Stan233 said:I don't know which files I have to change in the modules for it to be like a real life elephant in-game
You can't.Stan233 said:What if I change some animations, sounds won't it be doable or do you have to have a specific race for an elephant?
The easiest way - find and remove this trigger in said:Is there a guide out there to remove the pretenders? They don't fit the setting of my mod, so would enjoy removing them.
#Rebellion changes begin
(0, 0, 24 * 14,
(try_for_range, ":pretender", pretenders_begin, pretenders_end),
(troop_set_slot, ":pretender", slot_troop_cur_center, 0),
(neq, ":pretender", "$supported_pretender"),
(troop_get_slot, ":target_faction", ":pretender", slot_troop_original_faction),
(faction_slot_eq, ":target_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_active),
(faction_slot_eq, ":target_faction", slot_faction_has_rebellion_chance, 1),
(neg|troop_slot_eq, ":pretender", slot_troop_occupation, slto_kingdom_hero),
(try_for_range, ":unused", 0, 30),
(troop_slot_eq, ":pretender", slot_troop_cur_center, 0),
(store_random_in_range, ":town", towns_begin, towns_end),
(store_faction_of_party, ":town_faction", ":town"),
(store_relation, ":relation", ":town_faction", ":target_faction"),
(le, ":relation", 0), #fail if nothing qualifies
(troop_set_slot, ":pretender", slot_troop_cur_center, ":town"),
(eq, "$cheat_mode", 1),
(str_store_troop_name, 4, ":pretender"),
(str_store_party_name, 5, ":town"),
(display_message, "@{!}{s4} is in {s5}"),
# (try_for_range, ":rebel_faction", rebel_factions_begin, rebel_factions_end),
# (faction_get_slot, ":rebellion_status", ":rebel_faction", slot_faction_state),
# (eq, ":rebellion_status", sfs_inactive_rebellion),
# (faction_get_slot, ":pretender", ":rebel_faction", slot_faction_leader),
# (faction_get_slot, ":target_faction", ":rebel_faction", slot_faction_rebellion_target),#
# (store_random_in_range, ":town", towns_begin, towns_end),
# (store_faction_of_party, ":town_faction", ":town"),
# (store_relation, ":relation", ":town_faction", ":target_faction"),
# (le, ":relation", 0), #fail if nothing qualifies
# (faction_set_slot, ":rebel_faction", slot_faction_inactive_leader_location, ":town"),
#Rebellion changes end
(troop_set_slot, ":pretender", slot_troop_cur_center, ":town"),
I like your style, Vader.MadVader said:Or, the extra lazy way - comment out this single line in the trigger above:
Code:(troop_set_slot, ":pretender", slot_troop_cur_center, ":town"),
I think you can't, sorry.xPearse said:Hey I was wondering if you can make a door openable in mount and blade, I've saw it in warband but wondered if it's possible for regular and if so how would I do that.