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How can i get the current renown of a lord in the cf_reinforce_party?

I tried trp_knight but its a trp_knight_XX_X. For player is simple  (troop_get_slot, ":player_renown", "trp_player", slot_troop_renown).

I am trying to assign party_template_c based on renown ( the cf_reinforce_party)

    # SO, i guess something like this:
                   (troop_get_slot, ":player_renown", "trp_player", slot_troop_renown)
                    (gt, ":player_renown", 500) # but this is just for player example which doesnt applies here.
		   (assign, ":party_template", ":party_template_c"),
Somebody said:
Give it a guarantee flag and it will have at least one item of the type. The game biases against polearms (or at least agent don't use them as often) and I think the facecode is a seed in the equipment selection process (back in the old days troop face-code used to persist in your party or something along with their loadout).
Yes, I changed the face code and the equipment chaged, too. :grin:
In the bgin your character has these standart items...
I want o get rid of those and give him diffrent ones but eveytime i give him new items he also has to old.

i use morghs troop and item editor
OK I have a question about an elephant  :lol:

I have a elephant mesh and texture and all does stuff, but I don't know which files I have to change in the modules for it to be like a real life elephant in-game

I think I have to mod the following but I'm not sure:

But I'm not sure and if there is already a tutorial, a done script or maybe a download I would appreciate it if someone would help me to find it... Or even better they could give me the script.

Thanks in advance. :smile:
dion1195 said:
In the be[color]ginning your character has these standart items...
I want o get rid of those and give him diffrent ones but eveytime i give him new items he also has to old.

i use morghs troop and item editor

Get Module System. The items are assigned in a script or menu.

Stan233 said:
I don't know which files I have to change in the modules for it to be like a real life elephant in-game
The elephant will move like a horse. You can't add new horse "races" like you can for people, so you're stuck with the elephant cantering and galloping like a horse.
Suspicious Pilgrim said:
How would I go about adding lord personalities? How can I make it so they are only assigned to one person?
You'll have to be clearer than that.
If you mean "how do I add another type of lord personality and let only one lord have it", you are better off making checks against the specific lord troop directly (in dialogs and scripts), than adding a special personality type for one lord only.
Lumos said:
Stan233 said:
I don't know which files I have to change in the modules for it to be like a real life elephant in-game
The elephant will move like a horse. You can't add new horse "races" like you can for people, so you're stuck with the elephant cantering and galloping like a horse.
What if I change some animations, sounds won't it be doable or do you have to have a specific race for an elephant?
Stan233 said:
What if I change some animations, sounds won't it be doable or do you have to have a specific race for an elephant?
You can't.
Animations are all the same for all horses. Sounds are all the same for all horses. There are no horse races, so you can't do a specific race for the elephant, so the best thing you could possibly get is an elephant moving like a horse, behaving like a horse and making horse sounds.

Of course, I'm pretty sure you could make a few custom triggers that would hack it with specific animations, sounds and so on... but that would be complex and would hit your performance like a thrown brick hits a window.
Cozur said:
Is there a guide out there to remove the pretenders? They don't fit the setting of my mod, so would enjoy removing them.
The easiest way - find and remove this trigger in
#Rebellion changes begin

  (0, 0, 24 * 14,
        (try_for_range, ":pretender", pretenders_begin, pretenders_end),
          (troop_set_slot, ":pretender", slot_troop_cur_center, 0),
          (neq, ":pretender", "$supported_pretender"),
          (troop_get_slot, ":target_faction", ":pretender", slot_troop_original_faction),
          (faction_slot_eq, ":target_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_active),
          (faction_slot_eq, ":target_faction", slot_faction_has_rebellion_chance, 1),
          (neg|troop_slot_eq, ":pretender", slot_troop_occupation, slto_kingdom_hero),

          (try_for_range, ":unused", 0, 30),
            (troop_slot_eq, ":pretender", slot_troop_cur_center, 0),
            (store_random_in_range, ":town", towns_begin, towns_end),
            (store_faction_of_party, ":town_faction", ":town"),
            (store_relation, ":relation", ":town_faction", ":target_faction"),
            (le, ":relation", 0), #fail if nothing qualifies
            (troop_set_slot, ":pretender", slot_troop_cur_center, ":town"),
              (eq, "$cheat_mode", 1),
              (str_store_troop_name, 4, ":pretender"),
              (str_store_party_name, 5, ":town"),
              (display_message, "@{!}{s4} is in {s5}"),

#        (try_for_range, ":rebel_faction", rebel_factions_begin, rebel_factions_end),
#            (faction_get_slot, ":rebellion_status", ":rebel_faction", slot_faction_state),
#            (eq, ":rebellion_status", sfs_inactive_rebellion),
#            (faction_get_slot, ":pretender", ":rebel_faction", slot_faction_leader),
#            (faction_get_slot, ":target_faction", ":rebel_faction", slot_faction_rebellion_target),#

#            (store_random_in_range, ":town", towns_begin, towns_end),
#            (store_faction_of_party, ":town_faction", ":town"),
#            (store_relation, ":relation", ":town_faction", ":target_faction"),
#            (le, ":relation", 0), #fail if nothing qualifies

 #           (faction_set_slot, ":rebel_faction", slot_faction_inactive_leader_location, ":town"),
#Rebellion changes end
You probably don't need to change anything else, as they shouldn't show up. The trigger sets their locations over time, and they don't have a location at the beginning.

Or, the extra lazy way - comment out this single line in the trigger above:
(troop_set_slot, ":pretender", slot_troop_cur_center, ":town"),
Hey I was wondering if you can make a door openable in mount and blade, I've saw it in warband but wondered if it's possible for regular and if so how would I do that.
MadVader said:
Or, the extra lazy way - comment out this single line in the trigger above:
(troop_set_slot, ":pretender", slot_troop_cur_center, ":town"),
I like your style, Vader. :razz:

xPearse said:
Hey I was wondering if you can make a door openable in mount and blade, I've saw it in warband but wondered if it's possible for regular and if so how would I do that.
I think you can't, sorry.
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