#Start of Dialog block
#See header_dialogs for what can be here besides "anyone". All Dialogs must have a "start".
anyone, "start",
#Start condition block here
(eq, "$g_talk_troop", "trp_generalissimo_evilguy"),#ONLY RUN ME IF EVILGUY
(eq, "$g_day_of_week", 2),#DO THIS TUESDAYS
(assign, "$g_conversation_temp",1),
(str_store_string, s17, "@This is my Tuesday conversation start"),
(eq, "$g_day_of_week", 3),#WEDNESDAYS
(assign, "$g_conversation_temp",2),
(str_store_string, s17, "@This is my Wednesday conversation start"),
(assign, "$g_conversation_temp",3),#IF ALL ELSE FAILS...
(str_store_string, s17, "@This is what I say any other day of the week"),
#Condition is TRUE; we're talking to EvilGuy, now we need our custom text:
#Now we the Player to be able to say something, even if it's something prosaic like, "leave", to exit this Dialog.
#Consequences, if any:
#End of dialog block