Just tried those and neither worked.Somebody said:Have you tried using agent_set_no_dynamics and agent_set_look_target_agent? Both might only work on bots though.
Just tried those and neither worked.Somebody said:Have you tried using agent_set_no_dynamics and agent_set_look_target_agent? Both might only work on bots though.
Somebody said:You need to add them to the merchandise types to be added to weaponsmiths.
Have you tried (player_control_agent, ":player", -1),? Did you include acf_lock_camera in your animation?Shredzorz said:Just tried those and neither worked.Somebody said:Have you tried using agent_set_no_dynamics and agent_set_look_target_agent? Both might only work on bots though.
acf_lock_camera seems to have no effect, and (player_control_agent, ":player", -1) just gave me errors.Somebody said:Have you tried (player_control_agent, ":player", -1),? Did you include acf_lock_camera in your animation?Shredzorz said:Just tried those and neither worked.Somebody said:Have you tried using agent_set_no_dynamics and agent_set_look_target_agent? Both might only work on bots though.
Bolkonsky said:Post your .ini and your material settings.
And yikes, someone needs to clean up that Wiki page.
module_name = Calradia
compatible_with_warband = 1
num_hints = 12
auto_create_note_indices = 0 #Do not automatically search through all troops/factions/towns to check if they have note text.
map_min_x = -180
map_max_x = 180
map_min_y = -145
map_max_y = 145
map_sea_direction = -40 #wave foam direction
map_sea_wave_rotation = 300 #This is where the tear artefact is visible on the sea.
map_sea_speed_x = 0.02
map_sea_speed_y = -0.02
map_river_direction = 140
map_river_speed_x = 0.01
map_river_speed_y = -0.01
air_friction_arrow = 0.002
air_friction_bullet = 0.002
# use meshes map_tree_a through map_tree_r on for map trees
map_tree_types = 17
map_snow_tree_types = 3
map_steppe_tree_types = 5
map_desert_tree_types = 4
map_max_distance = 175.0
has_tutorial = 1
time_multiplier = 0.25
seeing_range = 6.5
track_spotting_multiplier = 0.8
# heroes with health below this will not appear in battles and will not contribute to party skills.
player_wounded_treshold = 5
hero_wounded_treshold = 15
skill_prisoner_management_bonus = 5
skill_leadership_bonus = 3
base_companion_limit = 20
player_xp_multiplier = 2.0
hero_xp_multiplier = 2.0
regulars_xp_multiplier = 3.0
display_wp_firearms = 0
# damage below this will not interrupt melee attacks
damage_interrupt_attack_threshold = 3.0
# Same thing for multiplayer
damage_interrupt_attack_threshold_mp = 1.0
# No extra penetration flags are set, so keep them ineffective
extra_penetration_factor_soak = 1.0
extra_penetration_factor_reduction = 1.0
# You can modify the damage system by editing the following values:
# The first three values determine the amount which will be directly subtracted from damage due to armor.
# The next three values determine the percentage reduction from the damage.
armor_soak_factor_against_cut = 0.8
armor_soak_factor_against_pierce = 0.65
armor_soak_factor_against_blunt = 0.5
armor_reduction_factor_against_cut = 1.0
armor_reduction_factor_against_pierce = 0.5
armor_reduction_factor_against_blunt = 0.75
horse_charge_damage_multiplier = 1.0
couched_lance_damage_multiplier = 0.65
fall_damage_multiplier = 1.0
#missiles with damage > shield_penetration_offset + shield_penetration_factor * shield
#will penetrate.
shield_penetration_offset = 30.0
shield_penetration_factor = 3.0
#setting speed_power to 2.0 makes damage scale with the square of missile's speed.
# you can set it to 1.0 to make it scale linearly as it was before.
missile_damage_speed_power = 1.9
melee_damage_speed_power = 2.0
multiplayer_walk_enabled = 0
#change this to 0 if you want to keep the food slot in inventory window.
disable_food_slot = 1
# Change this to 1 if you want to load
# textures from Modules/<Module_Dir>/Textures/
scan_module_textures = 1
scan_module_sounds = 0
#edit mode should be enabled
#give_performance_warnings = 1
#You can also use load_mod_resource instead of load_resource to make sure you are reading files from module directory.
load_resource = test
load_resource = textures_face_gen
load_resource = shaders
load_resource = textures
load_resource = materials
load_resource = materials_face_gen
load_mod_resource = shield_2
load_mod_resource = kite_shield_3
load_resource = uimeshes
load_resource = meshes_face_gen
load_resource = helpers
load_resource = map_tree_meshes
load_resource = map_icon_meshes
load_resource = particle_meshes
load_resource = skeletons
load_resource = tree_meshes
load_resource = xtree_meshes
load_resource = grass_meshes
load_resource = plant_meshes
load_resource = body_meshes
load_resource = object_meshes
load_resource = object_bodies
load_resource = goods_meshes
load_resource = item_meshes1
load_resource = horse_a
load_resource = arabian_horses
load_resource = arabian_castle
load_resource = food
load_resource = beards
load_resource = armors_b
load_resource = armors_c
load_resource = armors_d
load_resource = armors_e
load_resource = armors_f
load_resource = armors_g
load_resource = armors_h
load_resource = armors_i
load_resource = boots_b
load_resource = boots_c
load_resource = helmets
load_resource = helmets_b
load_resource = village_houses
load_resource = village_houses_a
load_resource = village_houses_b
load_resource = hair
load_resource = deneme
load_resource = interiors_a
load_resource = interiors_b
load_resource = interiors_c
load_resource = arena
load_resource = map_icons_b
load_resource = castle_a
load_resource = dungeon
load_resource = stone_houses
load_resource = snowy_houses
load_resource = snowy_castle
load_resource = helmets_d
load_resource = helmets_e
load_resource = helmets_f
load_resource = castle_b
load_resource = square_keep
load_resource = anim_b
load_resource = shields
load_resource = shields_b
load_resource = weapon_meshes_c
load_resource = xtree_meshes_b
load_resource = map_icons_c
load_resource = pictures
load_resource = user_interface_b
load_resource = user_interface_c
load_resource = scene_encounter_spot
load_resource = interior_thirsty_lion
load_resource = scene_small_tavern
load_resource = weapon_meshes1
load_resource = weapon_meshes_b
load_resource = houses1
load_resource = wall_meshes1
load_resource = town_houses
load_resource = doors
load_resource = churches
load_resource = town_houses_b
load_resource = castle_c
load_resource = castle_d
load_resource = castle_e
load_resource = castle_f
load_resource = castle_g
load_resource = castle_h
load_resource = castle_i
load_resource = gatehouse
load_resource = viking_houses
load_resource = fake_houses
load_resource = town_houses_c
load_resource = banners
load_resource = map_flags
load_resource = map_flags_b
load_resource = map_flags_c
load_resource = map_flags_d
#load_resource = costumes_a
load_resource = particles_2
load_resource = prisons
load_resource = prisons_b
load_resource = interiors_d
load_resource = costumes_b
load_resource = costumes_c
load_resource = arena_costumes
load_resource = boots_a
load_resource = terrain_borders
load_resource = terrain_borders_b
load_resource = skyboxes
load_resource = object_b
load_resource = tree_e_meshes
load_resource = destroy
load_resource = xtree_meshes_c
load_resource = grass_meshes_b
load_resource = interiors_steppe
load_resource = grooming_horse
load_resource = town_houses_d
load_resource = horses_b
load_resource = ani_horse_mounted
load_resource = deneme2
load_resource = horse_skeleton
load_resource = steppe_fake_houses
load_resource = weapon_meshes_d
load_resource = tableau_shields
load_resource = heraldic_armors
load_resource = spear
load_resource = weapons_e
load_resource = weapons_f
load_resource = instruments
load_resource = sarranid_armors
load_resource = custom_banner
load_resource = simple_primitives
load_resource = ani_man_walk
load_resource = ani_twohanded
load_resource = ani_onehanded
load_resource = ani_death
load_resource = ani_stand_guardsman
load_resource = ani_human_mounted
load_resource = ani_lady_stand
load_resource = ani_poses
load_resource = ani_stand_shopkeeper
load_resource = ani_man_cheer
load_resource = ani_stand_onhorse
load_resource = ani_throw_stone
load_resource = ani_strikes
load_resource = ani_equip_arms
load_resource = ani_run_p
load_resource = ani_run_forward_left_right
load_resource = uni_strikes3
load_resource = ani_walk_sideways
load_resource = ani_run_sideways
load_resource = ani_stand
load_resource = ani_crouch_down
load_resource = ani_low_walk
load_resource = ani_turn_man
load_resource = ani_attacks_single
load_resource = ani_lancer
load_resource = ani_attacks
load_resource = ani_kicks
load_resource = ani_parry_attack
load_resource = ani_walk_backward
load_resource = ani_run_lookingsides
load_resource = ani_defends
load_resource = ani_walk_lookingsides
load_resource = ani_jump
load_resource = ani_wedding
load_resource = arabian_props
load_resource = uni_jump
load_resource = uni_stances
load_resource = uni_equip
load_resource = uni_strike
load_resource = uni_throws
load_resource = uni_fistswing
load_resource = uni_lord_stand
load_resource = uni_defence
load_resource = uni_sideways
load_resource = dart
load_resource = armors_new_a
load_resource = armors_new_b
load_resource = armors_new_heraldic
load_resource = armors_new_arena
load_resource = crossbows
load_resource = arabian_armors
load_resource = rock
load_resource = costumes_d
load_resource = nordic_helmets
load_resource = sarranid_helmets
load_resource = sarranid_armor
load_resource = raw_materials
load_resource = khergit_lady_dress
load_resource = vaegir_helmets
load_resource = gauntlets_new
load_resource = sarranid_lady_dress
load_resource = sarranid_boots
load_resource = bride_dress
load_resource = full_plate_armor
load_resource = weapon_meshes_e
load_resource = fur_armors_a
load_resource = ui_server_filter
load_resource = warhorse_new
load_resource = ship
load_resource = arabian_houses
load_resource = object_c
load_resource = tree_f
load_resource = interiors_arabian
load_resource = arabian_village
load_resource = valleyProps
load_resource = workshops
load_resource = barrier_primitives
load_resource = town_houses_e
works_with_version_min = 1000
works_with_version_max = 1011
#compatible_module_version = 0 #can be used for multiplayer module versioning
limit_hair_colors = 1
show_faction_color = 1
show_quest_notes = 1
dont_load_regular_troop_inventories = 1
#assign '1' for moveable physics on all scene props; no sokf_moveable flag will be needed
disable_moveable_flag_optimization = 0
#You can change the following to 1 for ease in module development
show_party_ids_instead_of_names = 0
crush_through_treshold = 2.4
King of Scotland said:
Wait wut? I must rename the shield_2_texture in the "tex(1)" to shield_2_normal? And I had 3 dds files of shield_2 in my textures folder.FrisianDude said:King of Scotland said:
I'm willing to bet the 1 tex is the shield_2_texture. Copy that twice, rename one to shield_2_normal and one to shield_2_specular. And make sure all three .ddses of shield_2 are in your textures folder.
I got it.Bolkonsky said:What he's saying is import all the textures. In the material you're using three, but in the textures tab, you only have one.
Yes it's possible, it was done in 1866, ask them.Lueii said:Hey! Is it possible to have companions follow you around in non-combat scenes?