Modding Q&A [For Quick Questions and Answers]

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Khamukkamu said:
I see. That method is still better even if my goal was to only show it once, the whole game?

Basically, my goal is to show this box once, no more, no less :smile:

Aren't simple triggers more for those that are repeated?

lets forget that point, we are just going around in circles  :mrgreen:. It is just a suggestion on how to improve your code and avoid bugs, it won't solve your current problem (not firing). Re-read my first reply to understand why & how.

For the actual issue: add display_message and see which condition is failing and why.

If I receive an error at a certain simple trigger, for example:
At Simple Trigger [143]. what does that mean?

Does that mean the 143th simple trigger (count from the first trigger) or the trigger with a timer of 143?

Thank you.
troycall said:
If I receive an error at a certain simple trigger, for example:
At Simple Trigger [143]. what does that mean?

Does that mean the 143th simple trigger (count from the first trigger) or the trigger with a timer of 143?

Thank you.

144th trigger on your simple_triggers.txt, which will be 144th trigger on if you are not using modmerger/WRECK/etc.

+1 as we count from 0.
Is it possible to go above the faction limit of 128 or is it engine hard coded?

I checked header_factions and to me its python I can't read it, perhaps editing it will allow the game not to RGL error at start game and crash?

from header_common import *

ff_always_hide_label = 0x00000001
ff_max_rating_bits = 8
ff_max_rating_mask = 0x0000ff00

def max_player_rating(rating):
  r = 100 - rating
  return (r << ff_max_rating_bits) & ff_max_rating_mask

def find_faction(factions,faction_id):
  result = -1
  num_factions = len(factions)
  i_faction = 0
  while (i_faction < num_factions) and (result == -1):
    faction = factions[i_faction]
    if (faction[0] == faction_id):
      result = i_faction
    i_faction += 1
  return result

Also, what does val_mul do?  I can't find anything regarding it.
It seems to be used sometimes with val_add.

Ah, one more thing: $current_town and $g_start_town (both are global variables declared in native) - is it possible to start off a player in a castle rather than a town, will I have to disable the starting quest if I do so? etc.
Does anyone knows of a greek fire model or particle?
I was working to change a explosion arrow into greek fire
1 works but
Wrong model, i want a better particle bust
WIP implenting area in fire and set water on fire
troycall said:
Is it possible to go above the faction limit of 128 or is it engine hard coded?

... RGL error at start game and crash?
Next time include the error message, we can't guess if all you say is: "a error"  :mrgreen:

Looks like its hardcoded, 128 limit is 0 to 127 (signed small int). You can't bypass the engine with Python hack.

Why do you need soo many factions anyway? You can reuse them if you are killing/destroying some over time (part of your story), etc.

Also, what does val_mul do?
Download Lav's module, better documented. Its a multiplication....
(assign, ":var", 10),
(val_mul, ":var", 2), # var is 20
val_mul                    = 2107    # (val_mul, <destination>, <value>),
                                     # Assigns <destination> := <destination> * <value>

Ah, one more thing: $current_town and $g_start_town (both are global variables declared in native) - is it possible to start off a player in a castle rather than a town, will I have to disable the starting quest if I do so? etc.
You can start anywhere you want. Worldmap, inside a town/castle/village, its up to you. Check the starting menus (character creation/tutorial) and game_start script, you can override at will
does anybody knows how i have to make the syntax if i want to place a ti_on_scene_prop_hit behind it (both possible)
my only one code:
[(ti_on_missile_hit, # when missile hits 
   [(get_player_agent_no, ":player_agent"), # store player in :player_agent
    (agent_get_team,":player_team", ":player_agent"), # store player team 
    (agent_get_position,pos2,":player_agent"), # store shooting position pos1
    (try_for_agents,":agent"), # search all agents
      (agent_is_alive,":agent"), # exclude dead agents
      (agent_is_human,":agent"),  # exclude not human agents (for more race mod)
      (get_player_agent_no, ":player_agent"),        
      (agent_get_position,pos3,":agent"), # store missile_hit position pos2
      (get_distance_between_positions,":dist",pos1,pos3), #store distance shooter and troop_got_hit
      (lt,":dist",1500), # before working hit should be before 1500 meters distance
	  (particle_system_burst, "psys_torch_fire", pos1, 100),
      (agent_play_sound,":agent","snd_man_die"), # play sound dieing man
      (store_agent_hit_points, ":cur_hit_points",":agent",1), # store hit points from remaining agents
      (val_sub,":cur_hit_points",25), # substract 25 hit points
      (agent_set_hit_points,":agent",":cur_hit_points",1), # set hit points to 1
      (agent_deliver_damage_to_agent,":player_agent",":agent"), # deliver damage so troop dies
@builder of the gods ti_on_scene_prop_hit works in module_scene_props. It does not work in module_items or in other modules (except mission_templates (I believe)). For you interest, here is how to have multiple triggers for one item:
(ti_on_missile_hit, # when missile hits
          ## operations
          ## operations

also, agent_is_human only checks if the agent is not a horse, if you want to check other 'races', you should use the same as the game uses to detect if a troop is male or female
For some reason this simple trigger is picking the wrong faction ID's which is producing errors, and preventing rebellions from occuring.

Either way, check it out, i'm not sure what's wrong, the only lead I have is that the faction ID's are incorrect when the simple trigger tries to grab them, but they are set correctly, something to do with str_store_faction_name operation?

Not sure as expressed.

At Simple Trigger [143]. At Simple Trigger [143]. At Simple Trigger [143]. SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 2335: Invalid Faction ID: 745; LINE NO: 12:
At Simple Trigger [143]. At Simple Trigger [143]. SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 2335: Invalid Faction ID: 746; LINE NO: 12:
At Simple Trigger [143]. At Simple Trigger [143]. SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 2335: Invalid Faction ID: 747; LINE NO: 12:
At Simple Trigger [143]. At Simple Trigger [143]. SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 2335: Invalid Faction ID: 748; LINE NO: 12:
At Simple Trigger [143]. At Simple Trigger [143]. SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 2335: Invalid Faction ID: 749; LINE NO: 12:
...and so on for all the factions I added.

What am I doing wrong?

		(store_current_day, ":cur_day"),
		(assign, ":main_faction", 0),
		(assign, ":main_center", 0),
		(assign, ":sub_faction", 0),
		(assign, ":sub_center", 0),

			(assign, ":bonus", 3),
			(try_for_range, ":main_npc", pretenders_begin, pretenders_end),
            (troop_get_slot, ":main_center", ":main_npc", slot_troop_cur_center),
			    (str_store_faction_name, ":main_faction", ":main_npc"), 
			(try_for_range, ":sub_npc", pretenders_begin, pretenders_end),
	            (troop_get_slot, ":sub_center", ":sub_npc", slot_troop_cur_center),
			(str_store_faction_name, ":sub_faction", ":sub_npc"), 
	            (neq, ":main_npc", ":sub_npc"), 
	            (eq, ":main_center", ":sub_center"),
				    (faction_slot_eq, ":main_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_inactive),
				    (neg|faction_slot_eq, ":main_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_defeated),
			        (faction_get_slot,  ":main_date", ":main_faction", slot_rebellion_date),
			        #Check that the current date is greater than the minimum day for rebellion to start
			        (ge, ":cur_day", ":main_date"), 
		        	(neg|main_party_has_troop, ":main_npc"), 
			        (call_script, "script_rebelion_assesment", ":main_faction"),
			        (faction_get_slot,  ":main_chance", ":main_faction", slot_faction_has_rebellion_chance),
			        #Modify the random chance generation so that low fracturing makes it harder for a rebellion
			        (val_add, ":main_chance", ":bonus"),
					(store_sub, ":lower_limit", 9, ":main_chance"),   
					(store_random_in_range, ":main_random_chance", ":lower_limit", 9), 
			            #Could change this conditional check to ge for a easier activation of rebellion
			            (ge, ":main_chance", ":main_random_chance"),
			            (call_script, "script_rebellion_faction_call", ":main_faction"),
	        #####################  debugging messages ################################
	          (eq, "$kaos_debug_mode", 1),  
	          (str_store_faction_name, s52, ":main_faction"),
	          (assign, reg53, ":main_random_chance"),
	          (assign, reg54, ":main_chance"),
	          (faction_get_slot, ":main_leader_no", ":main_faction", slot_faction_leader),
	          (str_store_troop_name, s55, ":main_leader_no"),
	          (display_log_message, "@{!} {s52} has a rebelion chance of {reg54} must be gt than {reg53} for rebel leader {s55}", 0xFF0000),
	        #####################  debugging messages ################################
				    (faction_slot_eq, ":sub_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_inactive),
				    (neg|faction_slot_eq, ":sub_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_defeated),
			        (faction_get_slot,  ":sub_date", ":sub_faction", slot_rebellion_date),
			        #Check that the current date is greater than the minimum day for rebellion to start
			        (ge, ":cur_day", ":sub_date"), 
		        	(neg|main_party_has_troop, ":sub_npc"), 
			        (call_script, "script_rebelion_assesment", ":sub_faction"),
			        (faction_get_slot,  ":sub_chance", ":sub_faction", slot_faction_has_rebellion_chance),
			        #Modify the random chance generation so that low fracturing makes it harder for a rebellion
			        (val_add, ":sub_chance", ":bonus"),
					(store_sub, ":lower_limit", 9, ":sub_chance"),   
					(store_random_in_range, ":sub_random_chance", ":lower_limit", 9), 
			            #Could change this conditional check to ge for a easier activation of rebellion
			            (ge, ":sub_chance", ":sub_random_chance"),
			            (call_script, "script_rebellion_faction_call", ":sub_faction"),
	        #####################  debugging messages ################################
	          (eq, "$kaos_debug_mode", 1),  
	          (str_store_faction_name, s52, ":sub_faction"),
	          (assign, reg53, ":sub_random_chance"),
	          (assign, reg54, ":sub_chance"),
	          (faction_get_slot, ":sub_leader_no", ":sub_faction", slot_faction_leader),
	          (str_store_troop_name, s55, ":sub_leader_no"),
	          (display_log_message, "@{!} {s52} has a rebelion chance of {reg54} must be gt than {reg53} for rebel leader {s55}", 0xFF0000),
	        #####################  debugging messages ################################
(troop_raise_skill, "trp_whatever", skl_power_strike, -4),

is working correctly

(troop_raise_proficiency, "trp_anyfactiontroop", wpt_one_handed_weapon, -200),

is not yet both say they accept negative values in the

Any idea why the proficiency is not working?

Edit: Many thanks to below posts. I thought that as weapon master only had upper and not lower limits it would be ok so long as the values were between 0 and your max. I guess not but it works now :smile:
troycall said:
For some reason this simple trigger is picking the wrong faction ID's which is producing errors, and preventing rebellions from occuring.

Either way, check it out, i'm not sure what's wrong, the only lead I have is that the faction ID's are incorrect when the simple trigger tries to grab them, but they are set correctly, something to do with str_store_faction_name operation?

wrong trigger, as line 12 is not that operation, and you are using the operation in a invalid way as well
str_store_faction_name, ":main_faction", ":main_npc"),

string store faction name => it stores the name of the faction on a string s0, s1, s2, etc, not the number (ID) of the faction
str_store_faction_name          = 2335  # (str_store_faction_name, <string_register>, <faction_id>),
                                        # Stores faction name in referenced string register.

store_troop_faction                      = 2173  # (store_troop_faction, <destination>, <troop_id>),
                                                 # Retrieves current troop faction allegiance.
Nameless Warrior said:
(troop_raise_skill, "trp_whatever", skl_power_strike, -4),

is working correctly

(troop_raise_proficiency, "trp_anyfactiontroop", wpt_one_handed_weapon, -200),

is not yet both say they accept negative values in the

Any idea why the proficiency is not working?

I discovered this to a time ago and went searching in module_game_menus
Then i put the following in my module_system_tips_and_tricks file
3 imp getting wip better unique #this command has more versions here is the only way to do it right,
kalarhan said:
troycall said:
For some reason this simple trigger is picking the wrong faction ID's which is producing errors, and preventing rebellions from occuring.

Either way, check it out, i'm not sure what's wrong, the only lead I have is that the faction ID's are incorrect when the simple trigger tries to grab them, but they are set correctly, something to do with str_store_faction_name operation?

wrong trigger, as line 12 is not that operation, and you are using the operation in a invalid way as well
str_store_faction_name, ":main_faction", ":main_npc"),

string store faction name => it stores the name of the faction on a string s0, s1, s2, etc, not the number (ID) of the faction
str_store_faction_name          = 2335  # (str_store_faction_name, <string_register>, <faction_id>),
                                        # Stores faction name in referenced string register.

store_troop_faction                      = 2173  # (store_troop_faction, <destination>, <troop_id>),
                                                 # Retrieves current troop faction allegiance.

The code is part of KAOS Political Wars OSP, I've been trying to get it to work to no avail, I've corrected it in this fashion:

However, this results in only the player faction getting rebelled against and none of the other factions in the game, i want all factions to be rebel-able against.

Here is the updated code, which produces no errors but has a insanely high chance of rebellion because it checksp layer faction for rebellions only rather than other factions, so the chance of player faction rebellion is times factions (42x chance rather than 1x the average chance), the added code is called "Patch 1 & 2" In the code below.

The amount of scripts in the OSP are quite complex.
##The trigger before it, there are several triggers from this OSP, as well as scripts.
	#Start Faction Rebellion triggers																						#
	# Simple trigger to check the rebel faction and initiate rebellion if 
	# the required paramaters of date and rebellion chance 
	# NOTE: maybe change it to once a week. 
		(assign, ":random_chance", 0),
		(try_for_range, ":faction_id", rebel_factions_begin, rebel_factions_end),
		    (faction_slot_eq, ":faction_id", slot_faction_state, sfs_inactive),
		    (neg|faction_slot_eq, ":faction_id", slot_faction_state, sfs_defeated),
	        (faction_get_slot,  ":rebellion_date", ":faction_id", slot_rebellion_date),
	        (store_current_day, ":cur_day"),

 #####Kaos begin add factions Can subtitue towns for castles. rebel factions only.
	            (eq, ":faction_id", "fac_kingdom_43"),
	            (assign, ":rebel_lord", "trp_kingdom_1_pretender"),
	            (assign, ":orig_faction", "fac_kingdom_1"),
#####many more factions shortened code due to too many factions would be unnecessary to keep it, but this code is irrelevant to the diagnose.
	            (eq, ":faction_id", "fac_kingdom_84"),
	            (assign, ":rebel_lord", "trp_kingdom_42_pretender"),
	            (assign, ":orig_faction", "fac_kingdom_42"),
					(eq, "$kaos_rebellion_home", 1),
					(assign, ":rebel_center", "p_town_42_2"), #Durquba
					(assign, ":rebel_claimed", "p_town_42_2"),#Shariz
					(assign, ":rebel_center", "p_town_42_2"),#Ahmerrad
					(assign, ":rebel_claimed", "p_town_42_2"),#Durquba
#####Kaos end add factions

	        	(eq, "$background_answer_3", cb_king),
	            (assign, ":orig_faction", "fac_player_supporters_faction"),

	        #Check that the current date is greater than the minimum day for rebellion to start
	        (ge, ":cur_day", ":rebellion_date"), 
	        	(neg|main_party_has_troop, ":rebel_lord"), 
		        (call_script, "script_rebelion_assesment", ":orig_faction"),
		        (faction_get_slot,  ":rebellion_chance", ":orig_faction", slot_faction_has_rebellion_chance),
		        #Modify the random chance generation so that low fracturing makes it harder for a rebellion
				(store_sub, ":lower_limit", 9, ":rebellion_chance"),
				(store_random_in_range, ":random_chance", ":lower_limit", 9),     
		            #Could change this conditional check to ge for a easier activation of rebellion
		            (ge, ":rebellion_chance", ":random_chance"),
		            (call_script, "script_rebellion_faction_call", ":orig_faction", ":rebel_center", ":rebel_lord", ":faction_id", ":rebel_claimed"),
	        #####################  debugging messages ################################
	          (eq, "$kaos_debug_mode", 1),  
	          (str_store_faction_name, s52, ":orig_faction"),
	          (assign, reg53, ":random_chance"),
	          (assign, reg54, ":rebellion_chance"),
	          (faction_get_slot, ":leader_no", ":faction_id", slot_faction_leader),
	          (str_store_troop_name, s55, ":leader_no"),
	          (display_log_message, "@{!} {s52} has a rebelion chance of {reg54} must be gt than {reg53} for rebel leader {s55}", 0xFF0000),
	        #####################  debugging messages ################################

#####Trigger 2, this is the trigger where the operation error is stated to be in the error messages.
	#Faction Rebellion trigger for multiple claimants in the one center 													#
	# Simple trigger for multiple claimants in the one center 
	# NOTE: maybe change it to once a week. 
		(store_current_day, ":cur_day"),
		(assign, ":main_faction", 0),
		(assign, ":main_center", 0),
		(assign, ":sub_faction", 0),
		(assign, ":sub_center", 0),

		(assign, ":bonus", 3),
(try_for_range, ":main_npc", pretenders_begin, pretenders_end),
            (troop_get_slot, ":main_center", ":main_npc", slot_troop_cur_center),
			#Patch start part 1
			(store_troop_faction, ":party_faction", ":main_npc"),
			(str_store_faction_name, ":main_faction", ":party_faction"),
			#possibly 1 part end
			    #(str_store_faction_name, ":main_faction", ":main_npc"), #Patch part 1 disable
				(try_for_range, ":sub_npc", pretenders_begin, pretenders_end),
	            (troop_get_slot, ":sub_center", ":sub_npc", slot_troop_cur_center),
				#Patch 2 start
				(store_troop_faction, ":partb_faction", ":sub_npc"),
				(str_store_faction_name, ":sub_faction", ":partb_faction"),
				#Patch 2 end
				#(str_store_faction_name, ":sub_faction", ":sub_npc"), #patch part 2 disable
	            (neq, ":main_npc", ":sub_npc"), 
	            (eq, ":main_center", ":sub_center"),
				    (faction_slot_eq, ":main_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_inactive),
				    (neg|faction_slot_eq, ":main_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_defeated),
			        (faction_get_slot,  ":main_date", ":main_faction", slot_rebellion_date),
			        #Check that the current date is greater than the minimum day for rebellion to start
			        (ge, ":cur_day", ":main_date"), 
		        	(neg|main_party_has_troop, ":main_npc"), 
			        (call_script, "script_rebelion_assesment", ":main_faction"),
			        (faction_get_slot,  ":main_chance", ":main_faction", slot_faction_has_rebellion_chance),
			        #Modify the random chance generation so that low fracturing makes it harder for a rebellion
			        (val_add, ":main_chance", ":bonus"),
					(store_sub, ":lower_limit", 9, ":main_chance"),   
					(store_random_in_range, ":main_random_chance", ":lower_limit", 9), 
			            #Could change this conditional check to ge for a easier activation of rebellion
			            (ge, ":main_chance", ":main_random_chance"),
			            (call_script, "script_rebellion_faction_call", ":main_faction"),
	        #####################  debugging messages ################################
	          (eq, "$kaos_debug_mode", 1),  
	          (str_store_faction_name, s52, ":main_faction"),
	          (assign, reg53, ":main_random_chance"),
	          (assign, reg54, ":main_chance"),
	          (faction_get_slot, ":main_leader_no", ":main_faction", slot_faction_leader),
	          (str_store_troop_name, s55, ":main_leader_no"),
	          (display_log_message, "@{!} {s52} has a rebelion chance of {reg54} must be gt than {reg53} for rebel leader {s55}", 0xFF0000),
	        #####################  debugging messages ################################
				    (faction_slot_eq, ":sub_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_inactive),
				    (neg|faction_slot_eq, ":sub_faction", slot_faction_state, sfs_defeated),
			        (faction_get_slot,  ":sub_date", ":sub_faction", slot_rebellion_date),
			        #Check that the current date is greater than the minimum day for rebellion to start
			        (ge, ":cur_day", ":sub_date"), 
		        	(neg|main_party_has_troop, ":sub_npc"), 
			        (call_script, "script_rebelion_assesment", ":sub_faction"),
			        (faction_get_slot,  ":sub_chance", ":sub_faction", slot_faction_has_rebellion_chance),
			        #Modify the random chance generation so that low fracturing makes it harder for a rebellion
			        (val_add, ":sub_chance", ":bonus"),
					(store_sub, ":lower_limit", 9, ":sub_chance"),   
					(store_random_in_range, ":sub_random_chance", ":lower_limit", 9), 
			            #Could change this conditional check to ge for a easier activation of rebellion
			            (ge, ":sub_chance", ":sub_random_chance"),
			            (call_script, "script_rebellion_faction_call", ":sub_faction"),
	        #####################  debugging messages ################################
	          (eq, "$kaos_debug_mode", 1),  
	          (str_store_faction_name, s52, ":sub_faction"),
	          (assign, reg53, ":sub_random_chance"),
	          (assign, reg54, ":sub_chance"),
	          (faction_get_slot, ":sub_leader_no", ":sub_faction", slot_faction_leader),
	          (str_store_troop_name, s55, ":sub_leader_no"),
	          (display_log_message, "@{!} {s52} has a rebelion chance of {reg54} must be gt than {reg53} for rebel leader {s55}", 0xFF0000),
	        #####################  debugging messages ################################

If a value is stored in a slot, and another operation attempts to grab it, will it say, need to use the same identifier of the local variable as the operation that stored it?

For example:
store_troop_faction Identifier: var_5 > in slot_original_faction *or something like that, its just an example and the operation/slot is unlikely to be correct in this example.

now if I want to grab it from somewhere else completly, outside that script, and I try to grab the data from the slot "slot_troop_faction".

If I grab it, do I need to use the identifier of "var_5" or can I use say, "orig_faction" as long as its the same value, but not same identifier? slot_troop_faction?

What could cause a menu not to fire?

I have the below code on the menu before an encounter:

		      (assign, "$g_next_menu", "mnu_starting_quest_victory_good"),
		      (assign, "$g_mt_mode", vba_normal),
		      (assign, "$cant_leave_encounter", 1),	      
		      (jump_to_menu, "mnu_starting_quest_victory_good"),

and I have the below code in the mission template of that encounter:
      (eq, "$battle_won", 1),
      (jump_to_menu, "mnu_starting_quest_victory_good"),
      (display_message, "@battle won triggered - Good"),
      (eq, "$battle_won", 1),
      (jump_to_menu, "mnu_starting_quest_victory_evil"),
      (display_message, "@battle won triggered - Evil"),
      (jump_to_menu, "mnu_recover_after_death_default"),

However, mnu_starting_quest_victory_good is not firing after the encounter. Note that I wrote some display messages above to test if that code is being executed, and it does.

Here's the menu I want to fire:

( "starting_quest_victory_good",0,"null","none",
    [(call_script, "script_setup_troop_meeting","trp_start_quest_caravaneer", 255),
    # (leave_encounter),
    # (change_screen_return),
Thanks in advance.

Found the issue now.

The first menu (the one before the encounter) is triggered by a simple trigger. When I switched that trigger to a normal (non-simple trigger), the menu I want to occur happens (i.e the menu I want fires).

Can anyone tell me why my subsequent menus are not firing if my primary menu was triggered by a simple trigger? Should I mention "next menu" in my simple trigger?


My code
Module system compiles fine
Game loads fine
Then error on opcode line 3 and 4 something with get instance no
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