domipoppe said:Why is it not reliable?
you basically have to create meshes as objects on the game_start presentation and move them above the screen.
domipoppe said:Why is it not reliable?
you basically have to create meshes as objects on the game_start presentation and move them above the screen.
Anyone have idea?frozenpainter said:frozenpainter said:How can I check a town or castle encountered by player?Which one operation?I used this operation bu doesn't work.(eq, "$g_encountered_party", "p_town_16")
frozenpainter said:Anyone have idea?frozenpainter said:frozenpainter said:How can I check a town or castle encountered by player?Which one operation?I used this operation bu doesn't work.(eq, "$g_encountered_party", "p_town_16")
(eq, "$current_town", "p_town_16"),
wrwlf said:I've been playing around with shaders and trying to make the worldmap oceans look better (tried various ways of making better waves/water, but seems that the worldmap does not like Gerstner waves or any sort of vertex manipulation.... ).
The waves are created by the engine, we can have very little control over them other than changing their texture or removing them - you could try changing the mesh (cant remember the brf it is in), but im not sure how much this would help you.Anyways, I was wondering if there is some way to increase the amount of waves generated (the foam stuff near the coast on the current world map)?
I've tried digging through the .brfs and shader sources, but I just cannot figure out how the waves are applied to the coast at all (map_foam material uses the same water shader as the main ocean, but map_foam material is never explicitly assigned anywhere to the worldmap, at least that I can find).
La Grandmaster said:wrwlf said:I've been playing around with shaders and trying to make the worldmap oceans look better (tried various ways of making better waves/water, but seems that the worldmap does not like Gerstner waves or any sort of vertex manipulation.... ).
Are you talking about weird cracks appearing? If so then I would guess you are oscillating using the texture coordinates, this will create cracks on the world map. The reason for this is that warband applies texture coordinates to the worldmap in a very strange way, it applies them in a kind of circular manner, I believe tw's reason for this was to prevent the textures from looking incredibly tiled.
You can in fact displace the vertices on the worldmap, the trick is to use the world position.xy and it should work fine. To prevent cracks appearing at the coast (e.g the vertices where the oscillating ocean faces meet the static land faces), you can then further multiply by the inverse of the vertex color.r channel (if its not the inverse just multiply by the r channel i cant remember), this will prevent the vertices from moving if they are attached to land.
The waves are created by the engine, we can have very little control over them other than changing their texture or removing them - you could try changing the mesh (cant remember the brf it is in), but im not sure how much this would help you.Anyways, I was wondering if there is some way to increase the amount of waves generated (the foam stuff near the coast on the current world map)?
I've tried digging through the .brfs and shader sources, but I just cannot figure out how the waves are applied to the coast at all (map_foam material uses the same water shader as the main ocean, but map_foam material is never explicitly assigned anywhere to the worldmap, at least that I can find).
An alternative would be to create your own waves by altering your ocean material so that it featured a foamy texture when close to shore - this is what I did in viking conquest to create beaches near the coast. Warband automatically colors ocean vertices which are close to land (the closer to land they are the more they are colored), so you can use vertice color as an indication of how close the sea is to land, and hence add a white foamy texture on top when the sea is very close to land (e.g when the vertex color.r channel is greatest)
Anyways looks good
EDIT: On a side note though, gerstner waves could be quite expensive for the world map, you might be better just using a few simple sine waves rather than gerstner waves.
wrwlf said:Couple of issues still though....mostly the seams in the middle of the ocean and the clipping issues with the land terrain.
I wonder if there is some way I can dampen the effect when closer to land; unfortunately I am about 99% clueless when it comes to this HLSL stuff (I do have a solid math background though, hence why my first inclination was to try implementing the Gerstner waves ).
So when vertex color is high (close to 1) the vertice is close to land, and when vertice color is low (close to 0) the vertice is out at sea. So to fix the vertices close to land (so that they dont wave) we inverse the vertice color (so that 0 is close to shore and 1 is far out at sea), we then multiply out wave/vertice offset by this value - multiplying the wave by 0 when close to shore will mean that the offset will be 0 - meaning no waveLa Grandmaster said:Warband automatically colors ocean vertices which are close to land (the closer to land they are the more they are colored), so you can use vertice color as an indication of how close the sea is to land
Copy the output vertice position.z component (Out.Pos.z) to another output e.g you could change the output structure so that "float2 Tex0" becomes "float3 Tex0". Then you can output vertice z position like thisI also want to do something with the height value of the wave, maybe applying a 'manual' spec effect; ie. height >= some_value, lighten pixel at that point or similar....
Out.Tex0.z = Out.Pos.z;
float VerticeHeight = In.Tex0.z
Its not rigged so no you cant do that - vertex animations involve no bones and simply move individual vertices. In the context of scabbards, you can think of them as two different versions of the same mesh (notice each frame contains the same number of vertices so they are the same mesh - the position of vertices is the only thing which is different). You can create your own in a modelling program by creating a version with the sword hilt, export this version, the import it as normal in openbrf. Then go back to your modelling program and edit the mesh so that the sword handle is not visible (e.g scale it and hide it inside the scabbard), then export this, and then in openbrf select your initial sword hilt version and then go to import and then import the new version as a frame of vertex animated mesh. You will have to set up your frame numbers in the same way as warbands scabbards are set up though.HyperCharge said:In WB's item scabbards, there is have an vertex animation for equip and unequip the items, but i dont know how to do that for my swords. So, how can i make a scabbard vertex animation ? is it something like copying and pasting the rigg ?
"2 kez bura gelmen dikkat cekti",
[(set_background_mesh, "mesh_pic_khergit")],
#("leave",[],"Leave.",[(party_relocate_near_party, "p_main_party", "p_town_19"),(change_screen_return)]),(change_screen_map),
"Default town visit",
# (0,mtef_defenders|mtef_team_0,0,0,0,[]),
#(0,mtef_scene_source|mtef_team_0, af_override_horse, aif_start_alarmed, 1, pilgrim_disguise),
(ti_before_mission_start, 0, 0, [], [(call_script, "script_change_banners_and_chest")]),
(ti_tab_pressed, 0, 0,
(display_message, "str_cannot_leave_now"),
], []),
# (ti_on_leave_area, 0, ti_once, [],
# [(assign,"$auto_menu",-1),(jump_to_menu,"mnu_sharizkalebasarili3"),(finish_mission,0)]),
(0, 0, ti_once, [],
(call_script, "script_music_set_situation_with_culture", mtf_sit_ambushed),
(ti_on_leave_area, 0, 0,
(eq, "$g_defending_against_siege", 0),
], []),
(0, 0, 0,
(eq, "$kergitdevriye", 0),
(try_for_agents, ":agent_no"),
(agent_get_troop_id, ":troop_no", ":agent_no"),
(eq, ":troop_no", "trp_kergit_devriye"),
(assign, "$talk_context", tc_back_alley),
(start_mission_conversation, ":troop_no"),
(1, 2, ti_once,
(ge, ":cur_time", 5),
(jump_to_menu, "mnu_aban_basarisiz"),
(jump_to_menu, "mnu_aban_basarili"),
"hepsi oldu ve sende ordna ayrildin",
[(set_background_mesh, "mesh_pic_escape_1")],
("devam",[],"Continue..",[(call_script, "script_change_player_relation_with_faction", "fac_kingdom_3", -20),
(setup_quest_text, "qst_diger_komplo"),
(str_store_string, s2, "str_diger_komplo"),(call_script,"script_start_quest","qst_diger_komplo","trp_kingdom_1_lord"),
(assign, "$diger_komplo",1),]),
#("leave",[],"Leave.",[(party_relocate_near_party, "p_main_party", "p_town_19"),(change_screen_return)]),(change_screen_map),
"basarisiz oldun",
[(set_background_mesh, "mesh_pic_prisoner_man")],
#("leave",[],"Leave.",[(party_relocate_near_party, "p_main_party", "p_town_19"),(change_screen_return)]),(change_screen_map),
gdwitt said:My question: I would like to edit scenes that I can't access in-game easily quick battle scenes.