@ Johao
you must edit module_info.py to have an output directory that is not forbidden for write permission by User Access Control under Windows 7/8/10. instead of, for example,
export_dir = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules/Test/" <- the last / is *absolutely needed*!
which writes to a mod folder called "Test"
you could make a folder that is NOT a system folder (program files is system folder, so UAC in Windows OS blocks writing to it)
make this folder instead, for example
now edit your export directory to use the new path
export_dir = "C:/Warband/Test/"
and when you are finished copy all the output .txt files (right click control-a, copy) to the mod folder you wish to run and test
such as the path above
C:/Program Files (x86)/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules/Test
^^ whatever you wish to call it
Or, control panel: User Accounts: change User Access Control settings: set to lowest setting
(but this allows easier access by virus, so I would rather have small extra work now than many more virus problems later).
anyway your 2nd large error list is wrong export path set in module_info.py
- GS
you must edit module_info.py to have an output directory that is not forbidden for write permission by User Access Control under Windows 7/8/10. instead of, for example,
export_dir = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules/Test/" <- the last / is *absolutely needed*!
which writes to a mod folder called "Test"
you could make a folder that is NOT a system folder (program files is system folder, so UAC in Windows OS blocks writing to it)
make this folder instead, for example
now edit your export directory to use the new path
export_dir = "C:/Warband/Test/"
and when you are finished copy all the output .txt files (right click control-a, copy) to the mod folder you wish to run and test
such as the path above
C:/Program Files (x86)/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules/Test
^^ whatever you wish to call it
Or, control panel: User Accounts: change User Access Control settings: set to lowest setting
(but this allows easier access by virus, so I would rather have small extra work now than many more virus problems later).
anyway your 2nd large error list is wrong export path set in module_info.py
- GS