Resolved General Modding My Own Troop Tree xml, crash only on party screen!?

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Update: only when clicking on the Basic troop for each faction does it crash. And I already have edited the faction troops basic and elites to the id's I gave my units...
Were you able to see the crash uploader tool? If you can upload your crash to us we can check it out. Please don't forget to copy the Crash ID and write it here so that we can find it.
More info about the crash uploader tool can be found here.
Have you checked out these threads about our Crash Checklist and Common Issues and Workarounds? They can help you find a solution as well.
Uploaded the file already, 2021-05-07_04.30.48_20a8c51b143daa1b0f37249b3ebf3e12
It looks like a troop has more than two upgrades on its troop tree. Is this the case?
yeah 3 to 4 Paths(upgrades), sorry for the late reply. It was suppose to be 2 to 3 but I added 1 more path for 3 levels of militia cavalry to counter the Khuzaits...

Update: Eliminated 2 troop Paths, 2 left and yes it did not crash. Is it hard coded or limit to only 2 paths for tier 1 units, and does that mean militia can only be upgrade once with only one path. Sorry if this is a noob question.

Update2: giving tier 2 troops 4 paths. crash when click on the tier 2 troops with 4 paths upgrades, tier 2 only should have 2 or is 2 the limit for everything in faction troops(I have check some mods on bannerlord that edit troops and yes they only have 2 or 1 paths and never more than that, cant believe I didn't notice it!) Will there be future changes for multiple paths in the future.
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Everything is working fine I just have, to limit everything to 2 paths... The 2nd last was just a question lol, this thread can now be switched to solved, finished or what not. Thanks for pointing it out about the 2 paths only lol... Sorry if didn't notice again about it
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