Modding Game Files

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I changed a few cities and factions to resemble Europe, also I tried to change the partys/units but I got an error. Is that even possible (namewise that is).
I fooled around with the items file and messed with some of the stats. Like I made arrows and bolts have 3x as many in a stack. So I get 72 per stack instead of 24. Its fun to just ride around shooting 216 arrows :smile: Especially against a big army with the battle size to the max.

Makes it possible to not run out of arrows in the big battles instead of having to limit yourself to smaller battles so you can have enough shots to kill them.
TheMageLord said:
I fooled around with the items file and messed with some of the stats. Like I made arrows and bolts have 3x as many in a stack. So I get 72 per stack instead of 24. Its fun to just ride around shooting 216 arrows :smile: Especially against a big army with the battle size to the max.

Makes it possible to not run out of arrows in the big battles instead of having to limit yourself to smaller battles so you can have enough shots to kill them.

Uhm... i'd like to see a real quiver big enough to contain 216 arrows...

Goodbye realism :grin:
How do you do that?*shock,horror*?

p.s. how come after level 50 the exp needed is stupid?
Skree said:
Uhm... i'd like to see a real quiver big enough to contain 216 arrows...

Goodbye realism

Well, 72 arrows is quite a bit too y'know.

And the fact that an arrow to the chest doesnt kill those bastards, and you have to fire 20 shots at the guys with shields just to kill them makes it more difficult.

Being limited to 72 arrows at the max (and at the expense of not being able to have a weapon, or limited to 24 arrows if you have a shield and weapon) is a big restriction. Its fine on small battles with the slider all the way to the left, you can keep refilling between the little itty bitty fights. But thats no fun - much more fun to have 216 arrows and the slider all the way to the right. You can still easily run out of arrows if your not careful. I couldve made it give me thousands of arrows - I just figured 3x would be plenty :smile:

Ive also fooled around with other stuff just to screw around with (Dont keep the changes, just play with it and change back - something to do lol). Made a blunt bow that does a few hundred damage. It also fires alot faster. Its funny to attack and knock everyone unconscious before they approach you, then take them all prisoner. Also made a dagger that swings fast and does massive damage. Can run at a few guys and start tapping my mouse button and cut them up.

For the most part I play with the original setup though. Only thing I like to keep changed is the triple arrows thing, since it makes it so much more fun in battles with my mounted archer.
How did you change that? I managed to exchange the picture for arrows, and change the pricemultipler for large bags, but so far I can't find the numbers for the bagsize.
TheMageLord said:
I made arrows and bolts have 3x as many in a stack. So I get 72 per stack instead of 24.

How did you do that? Ive only figured out the price and stat/weight modifiers. It would be very useful to have more arrows, my horse archer keeps running out.
Am i the only one who thought it would be cool to have like...3 loaded crossbows equpped? Just ride by fire, switch, fire...would be fun as heck. But for some reason when i fire the first crossbow the other 2 are emptied as well :sad: Is this a bug? Or more of a balance/realism issue?
TheMageLord said:
Well, 72 arrows is quite a bit too y'know.

And the fact that an arrow to the chest doesnt kill those bastards, and you have to fire 20 shots at the guys with shields just to kill them makes it more difficult.

Being limited to 72 arrows at the max (and at the expense of not being able to have a weapon, or limited to 24 arrows if you have a shield and weapon) is a big restriction. Its fine on small battles with the slider all the way to the left, you can keep refilling between the little itty bitty fights. But thats no fun - much more fun to have 216 arrows and the slider all the way to the right. You can still easily run out of arrows if your not careful. I couldve made it give me thousands of arrows - I just figured 3x would be plenty :smile:

Ive also fooled around with other stuff just to screw around with (Dont keep the changes, just play with it and change back - something to do lol). Made a blunt bow that does a few hundred damage. It also fires alot faster. Its funny to attack and knock everyone unconscious before they approach you, then take them all prisoner. Also made a dagger that swings fast and does massive damage. Can run at a few guys and start tapping my mouse button and cut them up.

For the most part I play with the original setup though. Only thing I like to keep changed is the triple arrows thing, since it makes it so much more fun in battles with my mounted archer.
How, per se, do you mod the weapons and/or armor/ammo?
I've wanted to make a few blunt swords.
(And add a little more to the arrow bundles...)
Could anyone explain how to mod the files? I've done some modding, but I can't locate the files/I'm just an idiot.
Zuwxiv said:
Could anyone explain how to mod the files? I've done some modding, but I can't locate the files/I'm just an idiot.

The item file is located in C:razz:rogram FilesMount&BladeData it's called item_kinds1.txt. Good luck figuring out what most of the values mean, some are obvious but others... :wink:
Yeah, I still haven't found the number of arrows though I have narrowed it down to the second numbergroup from the right... but which numbers there, no idea :sad:
Gilglaurad said:
Yeah, I still haven't found the number of arrows though I have narrowed it down to the second numbergroup from the right... but which numbers there, no idea :sad:

Just multiply the whole number by 3, it triples the damage bonus as well as the number of arrows though. Bodkin arrows become: 72/72 and +9 damage. If you do it with regular arrows though, they become a stack of 72 bodkin arrows.
Okay, is there some kind of guide to the modding, like i notice that there i mostly 8 sets of numbers

Here could be a chart

Armour/weapon/sheild type| Location | Cost | Condition | etc
tourney_armour | 43426 | 2k | 54334
| | |

Cany anyone make something like that?

Seems to be something like:
Numbers are in order from the left...

1st number = Item type, ie. horse, sword, bow etc
2nd number = ???
3rd number = ???
4th number = ???
5th number = price
6th number = weight+defense rating
7th number = weaponstats the numbers do different things (not all one attribute)
8th number = ???

Hope this helps, and maybe someone can help me with the rest?
I have only taken a cursory glance through the files, but I am betting those who want to tinker would have a much easier time of it if you avoided editing these using a text editor.

Make a copy of what you wish to edit, open it up with a text editor (in this case most word processing programs probably won't hurt either, but any text editor is likely simpler) such as notepad. "Save as" selecting "All files" and adding the extension ".csv". If I recall correctly Excel has an "open as" option which you can then use to open as a csv file. This should give you a wizard where you can select what seperator to use. In this case it looks like "space" will work on most if not all of the files in question. There should be a "text delimiter" field somewhere in the wizard which you will want to make sure is empty (I think it defaults to a quote).
Using OpenOffice, open up the calc program (or spreadsheet program), and the csv wizard will pop up when you attempt to open the file in question. Make sure you choose space as the seperator and clear the text delimiter field.

You will then be able to edit the file without risk of screwing up the spacing, and you will have a much easier time of seeing which numbers correspond with each other across the various rows.
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