Moddeling program

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Sergeant at Arms
Hey Guys.

My question is: Wich is the best program for moddeling a sword or other stuff in Mount&Blade? I started whit Wings 3D, and moddeling whit this is simply, but i have problems with texturing some models, especially with weapons.

Maybe someone has a good tutorial, on how to texture weapons in Wings3D?

greetz Gibsii
You mean the videos from Highelf? Yea i love them :roll: :wink:

But he tells how to texture a helmet. But i have problems with weapons.

Gibsi,6575.0.html tah dah.
that has everything you need,10868.0.html this for modelling. Also the video tuts (stickied)

what kind of problems did you have when texturing?
The problem is:

If i make a sword blade and go to "UV Mapping" and then "continue" i have the settlement of the sword blade, but the settlement is not a rectangle ore something like this, its more rounded. So i cant texture it straight...

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