[MOD TRANSLATION] Deutsche Übersetzung PoP3.8.4

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Servus zusammen,

ich arbeite gerade an einer kompletten Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Hat jemand Lust und Zeit mich zu unterstützen? :wink:

Robineos said:
Servus zusammen,

ich arbeite gerade an einer kompletten Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Hat jemand Lust und Zeit mich zu unterstützen? :wink:


"I am currently working on a complete translation into English. Does someone have pleasure and time to support me?"
Robineos said:
Thanks MitchyMatt :smile:

but its a german translation  :wink:

That would be great! If you manage to get a complete translation done, I'll be glad to include it in an update. Maybe check if a similar effort has been done in the German forums, since not much text has changed since 3.7 (and I believe not much either between 3.6 and 3.7).

(Also why does Google translate change "Deutsche" into "English"? That's gotta be a bug by Google)
I need help!

I've translate some files to german. But i can't find the lines for this entries in any file. Where are this entries to find?
They're in quick_strings files.
qstr_{s2}^The_{s4}:_{reg1 {s2}^The_{s4}:_{reg1}_({s33})
qstr_{s2}^ {s2}^
qstr_{s2}^{s4}:_{reg1}__{ {s2}^{s4}:_{reg1}_({s33})
qstr_Your_relations_with_ Your_relations_with_the_factions_are:^{s2}

Except for faction names, naturally. They're in faction file.
Remember people, just another German moron thinking the world consists of his own country, and who doesn't even bother with using the official language here, much less providing any content while necroing a 7 mo thread is exactly what we need.  :mad:
Dusk Voyager said:
Remember people, just another German moron thinking the world consists of his own country, and who doesn't even bother with using the official language here, much less providing any content while necroing a 7 mo thread is exactly what we need.  :mad:
That question was asked in the very special thread - the thread which is of no interest to anyone but German-speaking people who understood the question.
And there is nothing bad about necroing threads which are not obsolete. Million times better than starting new threads.
It seems the OP hasn't been active for a few months and his work is probably lost, but I'm german as well and I have some time to spare. I could work on a translation as well.

May I ask if there is modding knowledge necessary?
Just opening the .txt files and translate everything wouldn't be a problem, but I guess that's not all?
Translation thread or not, you should at least make an effort to speak English here. By the way, translators are supposed to master both the source and target languages, so I don't know why speaking German should be inherently better than using English. And I'm not against necroing either, but it does make a useless post even worse.
yosuke30 said:
May I ask if there is modding knowledge necessary?
Just opening the .txt files and translate everything wouldn't be a problem, but I guess that's not all?

If you want to translate, use Notepad++, dont just edit in excel or notepad (no notepad++, the one in windows) its is very bad.
Da ist ein türkisches Spiel, vielleicht sollten wir alle Türkisch sprechen?

Es gibt einige Bereiche, die unmöglich zu übersetzen sind, da die Sätze durch Code erzeugt werden.

Ich denke, du meintest eher mich und nicht Robineos.  :wink:

Eben das habe ich gemeint. Texte, auf die ich keinen Zugriff habe.
Die .txt-Dateien kann ich ohne große Modding-Kenntnisse übersetzen, aber alles, was mir nicht in Textform vorliegt, wird schwierig.
Macht eine Übersetzung dann überhaupt Sinn? Auf wieviel % (in etwa) des gesamt zu übersetzenden Textes würde man denn nicht herankommen?
apologies  :oops:

Die erste Hälfte des Satzes wird auf Englisch sein. Um dies zu tun, würde jede andere Sprache einen Programmierer und Wochen der Transcoding benötigen, um die Eigennamen, Verben und Adjektive zu kompilieren. 

Die gute Nachricht ist, dass die wichtige (tatsächliche Spielinformation) in den Textdateien gehalten wird, die man mit einem Texteditor leicht ändern kann und bereits oben darüber diskutiert wurde, welche Datei sie sich befinden.

Bitte gehorchen meine schlechte Phrasierung. Ich spreche kein Deutsch.

You don't translate .txt files.
You translate .csv files after you have generated them this way:
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