Mod: Tougher troops

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Edit: Removed link. I didn't update it with 6.3x, and it is probably best not used with the new version.

Here is a mod that will make all the troops a bit tougher. To use it, unzip the file and replace the troops.txt in your Mount&BladeModsNative directory. (Be sure to back up your old one.) This also has the affect of making units under your command tougher, so this may in fact make the game easier if you are using a lot of units and harder if you are going solo. Let me know how it goes...

Currently this increases units stats, skills, and proficiencies. It should set them to what you could have at an equivalent level, but without assigning a bunch of points to non-combat skills (like Trade, First-Aid, etc). This mod does not affect your stats or those of Marnid or Borcha, but just about every unit beside those has changed. Additionally, the changes will only take affect when a new unit is created. So, troops currently under your control and currently on the map are not affected.

There are a number of additional things I want to do, but this is a little first pass. Here are some things I'd like to add:

* Upgrade the equipment the units get.

* More differentiation between units (as far as skills/equipment).

* Add a few more advancement trees (mounted archers, berserkers, spearmen, blunt units, etc). I've almost got those working, but my second level advancement additions don't work for some reason (first level works just fine).

* Add elite units to groups. Currently we only fight s & v knights, but what about marksman and sharpshooters, sergeants and guards? I'd like to add some elite spawns for those as well as some more elite bandit units. I can change existing groups for this, but haven't quite figured out how to add new groups (need to interpret triggers.txt I believe).

DISCLAIMER: It isn't clear if this mod (or any mod) will adversly affect your game. You may want to back up your saves before using it, just in case, so that if something happens you can always go back. Use at your own risk.
Holy cow. :shock:
Wonderful job, I'll test it in a bit to see if I can find any problems.

Also, I'll give some constructive criticism if you wouldn't mind.
Effidian, your work has given me renewed vigor for staring at the text files.

Here's a very preliminary, and untested, guess at part of triggers.txt.

We already know that there's three sections: timing, conditions, actions.

Timing is the first three floats:
Armagan wrote: said:
Smile The three numbers govern the timing. First is the check interval: how much time passes between each check; second is delay interval - how much time between the trigger is activated and the conditions are applied; the third is rearm interval - how much time passes until the trigger can be activated again.
I now believe the units are in hours.

The number right after that is how many conditions (triples of number) are to be checked.

After the conditions, is another number which states how many actions are going to be specified. The actions happen if the conditions are met.

Here's an example:

The first two lines of a virgin triggers.txt check every week (168.00 hrs) whether the hero is allied with Swads or Vaegirs, and, if so, increments his accumulated wages by his weekly rate.

If 33554578 == 2, he's a Vaegirian scumbag, if 33554686 == 2, he's a noble Swadian. I assume 20015 b c, is "increment var b by var c". I base this of a hunch, the fact that the ocodes are clustered by function, and the nearest 20014, 20013 seem to be "increment var b by the value in c". 33554609 = accumulated wages, 33554704 = wage rate.

A bunch of the lines later on are similar in format, I suspected that given the number of party types, that this may be where party spawning is going on.

Let's explore:

10.100000 0.000000 0.000000
2 20400 2 13 -2147483638 16777218 4
3 20035 16777221 1 20015 16777221 5 10101 16777221 13

10.100000 0.000000 0.000000
2 20400 2 12 -2147483638 16777218 4
3 20035 16777221 1 20015 16777221 4 10101 16777221 12

The differences are the 13/12 and 5/4. Looking at party_templates.txt and towns.txt, these correspond to the numerical id for mountain bandits, forest bandits, m.b. spawn point, and f.b. spawn point, respectively.

I'm thinking that 20400 b c means 'load the number of existing parties of type c into register number b'
-2147483638 16777218 4 is checking if the number held in the register at adress 16777218 (ie, reg #2) is <= 4.
So, the trigger will only perform its 4 actions if there are 4 or less parties of the correct type on the overworld.

20035 16777221 1 is important, but unknown.
20015 16777221 4 has something to do with the spawn point
10101 16777221 12 may mean 'spawn unit type c at point b', this only holds if 20015 is loading 4 into reg# 5. If that's the case, my previous understanding of 20015 is incomplete.

Tee hee, Gauntlet, anyone?
I've played with the mod for a bit, and it's great.

I'd love to see a mounted sword sisters type, even if it's just a saddle horse or something like that.
Glad you like it. Does it seem more difficult? And are you playing solo or with an army?

It wouldn't be hard to add a tree for the sword sisters. I've been a bit busy since I put this mod up, but if I get back to it I'll see about adding an advancement tree for the sword sisters.
I played solo and with an army.

Solo was a bit harder on foot, and I was on foot often because my mount kept getting shot out from under me.

With the army; they tore huge groups apart, at least until we got to mounted foes. They tend to split up then and chase the mounted knights, slowly getting poked to death with a lance :sad:

I still think the mod rocks though.
Sounds like it is more difficult. Which really was the point. I was hoping the archers would be more accurate because of the increase in ranged weapon proficiencies.
So wtf is this **** I didn´t understund what u ment at top so could u tell it little clearly.(pardon me from my bad english i aren´t good at it):grin:
Knight at Arms  Mod: Tougher troops  « Reply #8 on: May 22, 2005, 04:25:35 pm »

Wow this forum is getting unbearable..

How about a mass lock on topics from < 2006?

PS: Sorry for the bumb i just made happen :sad:
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