mod tool or wings 3d?

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Sergeant at Arms
I'm learning how to use wings 3d and it goes pretty well except from some problems
someone told me that XSI mod tool it's much more easy to use and usefull
is that true

and if it is
is there any guides for this program ON this forum
also i hoped someone can help me out with this

how do i turn this all parts into a one peice?

Wings 3d is much easier to learn, remember and handle. XSI takes a lot of time to learn and stuff.

I personally use Wings 3D for modelling and texturing. It's much easier. But for animating, I have to use XSI.
To put all the parts together select all the objects, right click and then "Combine".
yes sit seems so
I'lll stay with wingsthankss for the answer

I'vee no option combine
icheckedd all mods edge face and vertex
i wanna put it together like bridge
have you tried high elf's video tutorials.

They're the way that I, and many others on this forum, learned to model.

They should clear up alot of confusion.,24463.0.html

The combine option is in object mode.
yes i did
but i it is not tow seperate part
is one big piece now i want to make somthing like bridge
but the faces doesn't match as you can see
Why do you even use multiple objects? I made this using only a cube . 24 tri's. (Assuming you were trying to make a arrow head ... :razz:)
Personally, I almost never use two objects.

i said it is not two object
it one
with to harms that aren't match and i want to do bridge
and their not matching
now it's gotta be some way to make it all one piece

also something like this
how to make it one piece

I'm searching but i can find
it help for the second problem thanks
i'm sure there is a way yo put those pieces together
i'll search more
can you even delete faces in wings? i tried the delet button, but nothing happened, and i couldn't find anything in the menus.
I'm pretty sure wings 3d can only handle fully faced models, (I don't use it though) so you can not delete them. But instead combine them, technically deleting one of them.
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