Mod to Upgrade Only Armor/Item Graphics?

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Hey guys,

Wow, amazingly pleased with this game, can't believe it started as a husband/wife project. I'm blown away by the addictiveness and the mod community. That being said...

I've been looking around these forums for a mod that gives only new graphics to items (mainly the not-so-great native armors). I found a bunch of great mods that give new armor models but change the gameplay significantly (adding factions/maps etc). Is there a mod out there that only updates the models without changing the gameplay at all?

I looked at GE2.5 but it doesn't seem to change armor at all, correct me if I'm wrong?
Maximus183 said:
Doesnt Graphical Enhancement fix up the armors a bit? I dont know for sure but you can check it out
He said he already tried it and it didn't. He is correct.

I don't believe there is one that improves armors.
Wow, quick responses, thanks guys!

Yeah I looked into GE3 and that armor model screenshot he had posted looked amazing! Too bad it was discontinued  :cry:

I did upload Dall's Mount and Blade HD and it had improved the "quality" of the armor models...but didn't really change how they looked besides more realistic and more shiney  :cool:

I will try out that weapon mod, I had looked through that sticky but that one must have escaped notice.  :oops:

I guess I'm stuck waiting for Warband for new armors...oh well! Time to start anew my conquest.
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