Ciao a tutti ragazzi...giacchè avevo notato la presenza di un topic in cui si chiedevano notizie su un qualche mod ambientato nel giappone feudale mi ero interessato anche io all'argomento...quindi mi sono ricordatodi un tipo che stava sviluppando un mod contenente i mod nn è storico, ma ambientato in calradia...però sembra essere interessante...gli ho mandato un pm chiedendogli delle caratteristiche e questa è stata la sua risposta (se andate nel forum polacco e guardate in basso troverete altre screenshot) : 
"Yes of course. This will be my first mod. This will be a little mod, because I can't write script and I use script from source. If i will can, then I'll try improve this scripts. I want add two new, oriental factions: Shogunat and Empire.
Shogunat will be traditional. Basic troops are light infantry and mighty samurais.
Imperial will be modern faction with riffles ans pistols. hmm Look a like to Imperial soldiers from movie "The Last Samurai"
Title of my mod is "Western Invaders" because two new faction are in the West of Calradia.
This is list of things are done and to do.
- New Faction (samurais)
- Hunting by Highlander
- Kingdom Management by Highlander
- Recruiters by Hessuu
- About 18 new models and 22 models from old versions (ugly models, but I working alone and I must learning all from basics.)
- New sounds from More Metal Sounds
- New Party on the map
- Hidden Locations on the map, where you can recruit Ninjas
To do:
- Second Faction
- New Music ( i have one compositor but i haven't money for new music ;p)
- Morale
- Town Recruitment
- New Quests
- New Icons
- New Banners
- New NPC's
- Diplomatic
- More models.
- All what i can to add, but i don't want use not my scripts ;/ I must learn how to write scripts.
This is my topic on the polish forum
This is my (old) Beta Version.
In this Beta is New Faction, Hunting, Kingdom Management, new sounds and models. If you want, download Beta but this mod is nothing in comparison with Big mods like a SoD, RES ( two polish mods too
) and more... ;/
And, I'm sorry for my bad English ;/"
che ne dite?
"Yes of course. This will be my first mod. This will be a little mod, because I can't write script and I use script from source. If i will can, then I'll try improve this scripts. I want add two new, oriental factions: Shogunat and Empire.
Shogunat will be traditional. Basic troops are light infantry and mighty samurais.
Imperial will be modern faction with riffles ans pistols. hmm Look a like to Imperial soldiers from movie "The Last Samurai"
Title of my mod is "Western Invaders" because two new faction are in the West of Calradia.
This is list of things are done and to do.
- New Faction (samurais)
- Hunting by Highlander
- Kingdom Management by Highlander
- Recruiters by Hessuu
- About 18 new models and 22 models from old versions (ugly models, but I working alone and I must learning all from basics.)
- New sounds from More Metal Sounds
- New Party on the map
- Hidden Locations on the map, where you can recruit Ninjas
To do:
- Second Faction
- New Music ( i have one compositor but i haven't money for new music ;p)
- Morale
- Town Recruitment
- New Quests
- New Icons
- New Banners
- New NPC's
- Diplomatic
- More models.
- All what i can to add, but i don't want use not my scripts ;/ I must learn how to write scripts.
This is my topic on the polish forum
This is my (old) Beta Version.
In this Beta is New Faction, Hunting, Kingdom Management, new sounds and models. If you want, download Beta but this mod is nothing in comparison with Big mods like a SoD, RES ( two polish mods too
And, I'm sorry for my bad English ;/"
che ne dite?