Radier said:
On November 20 1700, the Swedish force of 11,000 soldiers attacked the Russian army of more then 30,000 Russian soldiers in the battle of Narva. Despite the disadvantage of being outnumbered by the Russians, the Swedes won a splendid victory.
We where the best. Europe was scared of us. Ever heard the german proverb?
"Bet Kindschen, bet. Morgen kommt die Schwede."
This is by the way not German.
Again, I highly doubt that the Swedes had any influence whatsoever anywhere except in the Northern Countries. It is hard to judge an army by the outcome of a battle, moreover you can see that Russia was able to field far more soldiers - an this was Russia - mind you.
1700 I would be more interested in Dutch, Spanish, British, French armies. Oh yeah, don't forget the Middle East.
Germany, Denmark and Russia are by God not the top notch enemies at this time. With Germany not even beeing a country and all
For this argument to be used with any historic validity, it needs to be absolutely proven and obvious.
This is not the case and simply sounds biased. Such a little thing makes me doubt the whole source.
While having luck with getting support from the Dutch and Britain (and thus winning the sea battle) the Swedish forces victories were against minor forces at that time - Denmark, Poland, German countries... The only main villain they fought was Russia - and Sweden lost badly - riding into battle outnumbered and getting killed.
11.000 lost Swedes verseus 1500 lost Russians.
Nice ratio there.
Then later Prussia joins the fight as maybe the only significant German force in the area and Sweden gets whipped again.
I think this is pretty clearly not the best army...
They walked over some parts of Europe in rather astounding fashion, but when they reached Russia the dream was pretty much over. While having no mercenaries has its advantages, beeing outnumbered every time simply doesn't work.
If you look at a map of this time, just by the size and population of the countries you can see that compared to Habsburg (Austria), Russia, France etc. Sweden was not superiour if not inferiour.
And they way battles went this time the size of the army counts.