I am very serious with this idea, so please dont just dump it into dust.
you can choose if you want to be a terrorist or a policeman, the terrorists have to bomb buildings or hijack planes or capture NPC's, and oblivious the policeman have to prohibit it.
The classes for the policeman's would be:
Sharpshooter: With a pistol and a sniper rifle, this is the class for each guy who cant look in the eyes of the enemy when killing him (like me
SWAT: With a bulletproof shield and a machine pistol, this class is for people who are afraid getting there booty bombed if they have no shield.
Grenadier: A medium good gun with a noobtuber (grenade launcher), for people who just wanna bomb the sky!
Tactican: Would Spawn with 3 NPC's which one they could command, the kind of NPC would be appointed via the item shop, and he may change his spawn with a special grenade, perfect for spawnkilling noobs!
Heavy Infantry: equipped with a light machine gun, this troop will be the choise of people which just shoot like hell and slightly hope to hit a terrorrist, but wait, if you hit a NPC as a policeman, you LOOSE the round!
The terrorists classes would be:
Suicide Bomber: The name says it all.....
Hostage-Taker: Equipped with a machine pistol, this guy captures NPC's in buildings, and if a Policeman kills one of them, the policeteam looses the round, he also may take them as a human shield, but he cant shoot during it.
Gunman on Rampage: Just shooting everything on sight with a Light machinegun, only very little health, but nearly unlimited ammo.
Terror Cell: The Tactican of the terrorists, same attributes as the one from the policeman.
Grenade-Guy: A guy with grenades, and he wanna kill innocent people. questions?!
Im not a modder, but i may make some modells for the weapons, all we need is:
a scripter
a GOOD modeller
a mapmaker
some love (that means support!)
a thread for it (naturally!)