Mod crashes on start up. Any help?

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Firstly my M&B version is 1.003. I downloaded Swords of Damocles Final version 1, (the 50mb version). Following the installation instructions, I extracted it to the moduals folder. The mod shows up on the M&B launcher, but crashes during the initial load up.

The exact error is as follows:

Unable to open file: CommonRes/Ani-Walk_sideways.brf

After a brief check, I could not find this file under the CommonRes folder.... so thats the problem right?

On the other had should I just go ahead and download Swords of Damocles Final version 2? With the hope that his error won't appear in that version?

Thanks heaps guys!

*EDIT* Ok problem solved. Was running the wronge version of M&B!
For the 4.5 version you need the newest version of M&B (1.011). I suggest you play that one, as it is the latest playable version and has more content. You can find a download link to the newest M&B on the taleworlds website.

I'm not sure for which version SoD 1 is, but your error suggests you have the wrong M&B version. Most of the active mods require the latest M&B version (1.011), so I suggest you update your M&B (Besides, it's a newer version)
Hey thanks dude. Yeah I've just finished downloading the patch for M&B version 1.011 So I'll go ahead and give that a shot. I was temped to download the the second final version of SoD after I've tried it out, since its over twice the size in MBs.
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