mmprussia 5 Release! Download link here

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New small patch (full version), last before the next big patch, we will not release any new mm prussia versions.


- New musket sounds
- New hats
    - 33rd regiment (all ranks)
    - 45e captains
    - 84e captains
    - French artillery (all ranks)
    - British artillery (all ranks)
    - KGL regiment (ranker, sergeant)
    - Cold stream guard (all ranks)
- Revised cannon system, cannons only usable with artillery classes
- New Light cavalry saber
- New highlander officer sword: basket-hilted broadsword
- Improved performance again
- Fixed most crashes (if your still crashing turn down your graphics and report to us)
- Gloves for all officers

Download links:
Yeah nice work again on the hats Admiral, we all love you.  :smile:

If you still crash with this version then please throw out your computer and buy a new one  :lol:
I went through every line of code that I made and added a lot of checks for variables and other security measures. Even fixing Native code.
So if you crash it can't be our mod anymore. Some people also crash on Native so f*ck it.

On a more serious note, try;
- Turning down some graphics
- De-fragmenting your hard drive
- Updating your drivers (especially video card drivers!)
Cav sabres seem to be longer than they are when the person is mounted, hitting a near whole foot off the tip of the balde, But it only seems to be from mouted so far, noticed no problems when dismounted though.

But no other problems from what i've seen.
you should add Austria or Russia, Russia has some interesting units and maybe as a canon you can add howitzer or maybe even unicorn. (if you play napoleon total war you know how pwn unicorns are :grin:). also if you thinking of adding a musician then add bag piper that would be so cool. i would play him all the time :mrgreen:!
When I join a server I gets spammed with the message "You have advanced to level 1,2,3,4,5....,24"
Not a huge bug, but a little annoying :p
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