I know it'll be an epic necro, but this is what I thought.
Swords, knives, daggers etc
'Straight' ones would deliver pure cut damage if swung, piercing if thrusted. The ones minus a straight edge (and war cleavers) would deliver %5 p, %95 c if swung; %95 p, %5 c if thrusted. Sickles would do %20 p, %80 c.
One handed axes can't be thrusted. They would deliver %20 p, %80 c. Two handed axes/voulges/bardiches (the last also count as polearms) would deliver %30 p, %70 c.
Forks, staves and spear-like polearms (except for the jousting lance and awlpike) would deliver only p if thrusted, b if swung. The JL would deliver pure b; the awlpike would deliver only p if thrusted, %60 b, %30 c, %10 p if swung. The scythe and military scythe would do %10 p, %90 c if swung, %50 p and c if thrusted. The poleaxe and the halberd would deliver only p if thrusted, %60 p, %40 c if swung. The glaive would do pure p if thrusted and pure c if swung.
1 and 2-handed blunt weapons
Remain as they were, like some others mentioned.
1-handed piercing weapons
Except for the spiked club, remain as they were. It would deliver %30 p and %70 b.
Throwing knives would deliver %10 p, %90 c. Axes would do %35 p and %65 c. Others remain as they were.
Armor reduction and soak effects for each weapon would be determined by the weighted mean of them according to its damage types.
The probability of getting wounded = %{[(%100 - b ratio)*%4*Surgery lv] + b ratio}
DISCLAIMER: Do your corrections or similar suggestions without flaming.