Inappropriate language
ben topluluğun özellikle bir önce ki oyunda olupta bannerlorda eklenmemiş olan içeriklerin eksikliğinden yakındıklarını söyledim, bu tarz içerikler oyunun genel kalitesine uygun olmadığı söylendi
@trhan12 went to Gamescom this year. He is a Turkish forum user. In the quote above, there is a statement he delivered to whoever he spoke in Gamescom and also the answer.
Let me transtlate it:
trhan12: "The community really got sadden by the fact that there are missing features from WB in BL"
Whoever at Gamescom as a TW representative: "These missing features are not up to the standards of general quality of BL"
Yeah sure! But I want to say it is other way around. Like wedding, for example, in WB lords attended our wedding in real time while in BL, there is a video played at campaign map completely disconnected from the world our character lives in.
Take your standards and shove it in your.....................