miscellanious suggestions

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sorry, i bet most of these have been suggested already, but i just wanted to put em all together.

1. Make it so you can get slaves to fight for you. I hate it when I get a bunch of Vaegir veterans from a fight with Vaegir deserters and I cant do anything but sell them to a slave trader.

2. Make some sort of Bank or storage system. Either for items or for warriors. Id like it if i could leave some extra knights in a town in case i need them later.

3. Give Marnid and Borcha some soldiers of their own. I like how they do whatever they like in battle, but it would be nice to have 3 seperate attacking forces in a battle.

4. Make difficulty permanent. Its kinda wierd how you can change the difficulty in the middle of a battle. If someone wants to have the game be hard, they should have to play it hard the whole time. Having it so you can change the enemies damage to 1/4 in the middle of a battle borders on cheating, which ruins most games in my opinion.

5. Attackable towns. I realize it would be difficult to do, but it would be so fun to ride up to a city with your army and lay seige. Seige weapons would be nice, too.

6. More weapons. I've been trying for the whole game to find the best suit of armor I can, but it only took like 10 days of searching to find the best one-handed sword. I like constantly getting new and better armor and handing my old down to Marnid and Borcha, but this just doesnt happen with weapons.

7. Free travel. Another one to implement, but the zoomed out view of your army running around a map gets pretty boring. Travelling was one of the things I liked about Morrowind cause it was so open-ended. It would be even cooler with 70 Vaegir knights following you. It might even work to do the overhead-view with representations of all your soldiers, so it would be cooler-looking. A 99 person Swadian war party would look slightly more intimidating if it wasn't represented by one horseman riding around.

8. Doubling-up weapons. In battle, I like to carry a lance, a shield, a sword and some sort of ranged weapon. With 4 slots, that limits me to a thrown weapon, it would be nice if I could get an archers dagger with my bow.

Sorry if these have already been spoken of, I'm just too lazy to find appropriate threads for them.
1: Maybe, rather, return them to a friendly town and "Persuade" them to rejoin the army.

2: I'm sure this is already being implemented. Or atleast I hope so. It's an obvious idea.

3: Marnid couldn't command his way out of a plastic bag, let along hold legions of knights under command. What advantage would this be, if you still send the orders anyway? Unless, you mean that they control parts of the army completely by themselves? Or just make it so they quarters of the army follow them rather then you? Like a formation?

4: It's not a cheat if you don't use it. :smile:.

5: I like this idea, but I don't like the siege weapons idea. Although it would add an aspect of strategy.

6: I'm sure this is also, already being implemented.

7: Yeah, that would improve things.

8: I'd rather have the ranging weapon and the ammo take up the same slot.
I don't want my slaves to fight I need them harvesting my sugar cane and tobacco. Or mining. My ancestors were always mining coal or farming for some rich ******* why should my slaves be fightin and such? hehehe.
Some of the things can be answered with this:
Ingolifs said:
Common suggestion redirection sheet.

This sheet contains commonly suggested features to M&B, and most of the relevant threads that discuss the suggestion.
The threads are (sort of) ranked in order of relevance, and quality of the discussions. Any additions/suggestions to this form are welcome.
First of all, there's the sticky at the top of the page right here.

Multiplayer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Dropping cargo and goods to make yourself faster: 1 2 3

War loot is of too high quality: 1

Camping: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Stamina and fatigue: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Various ideas on expanding tournaments, etc: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Being able to see the health of your horse::1 2 3 4 5

Sieges: 1 2 3 4 5 6

More advanced troop tactics, formations, etc: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Playing as a bandit/joining bandit faction: 1 2

Shield bash: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Heraldry: 1 2 3 4

Gloves: 1

Dual wielding: 1 2 3

Gore: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

World map features, roads, ruins, forests, etc: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Unarmed/fisticuff fighting: 1 2 3 4 5

Hunting and animals: 1 2 3 4 5 6

More heroes, enemy heroes and hero abilities: 1 2 3 4 5

Item durability and degradation: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ambitious suggestions on overall gameplay and storyline: 1 2 3 4

Other commen suggestions threads: 1

And finally: read this before posting any suggestions

Thankyou for your cooperation.


but the others i'll answer directly.

1.I think it's been suggested before. I don't like the idea that you force a bunch of khergits to fight for you, but it would be useful in situations where you get some soldiers attacking others from the same faction. For example, say a vaegir patrol and swadian patrol meet. The swadian patrol wins the fight and takes some vaegir prisoners. A sea raider party then comes and defeats the swadian patrol and the vaegir prisoners join the sea raider party. Then the sea raider party attacks some vaegirs, and when the vaegirs win, they'll have their own troops as prisoners.

2. Armagan built the game already assuming there is some sort of bank system where you can store your money. (it wouldn't make sense otherwise for a group of bandits to steal 10% of your money when they defeat you) It would probably be better if it was made more explicit though.

3. You can already disband marnid and borcha, and give them soldiers. Problem is, as a party, they suck, and just run from trouble and don't act like a war party at all.

4. It's most likely a bug

5. covered in the thing

6. I agree, so do others.

7. I agree
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