Big J Money
The first thing I noticed was that a squire starts with equipment that is far superior to that of a novice priest. Seeing as how a priest also begins the game with poor combat skills, no wonder my first character had such a rough time! Starting as a squire is like a walk in the park. If nothing else, my opinion is to take the horse away from the squire and give it to the priest, who will still begin the game with terrible armor, no ranged weapon and poor combat skills. If not that, then consider a warning to the new player that playing as a novice priest is a higher challenge game. As a side note, I think the term "Acolyte" or "Friar" might be more colorful than "Novice Priest".
Another thing I picked up was a new technique for fighting in melee combat. However, it would be nice if I could make the attack arrows go away. If you get a chance, please add a separate option in settings for the melee targeting reticule[enable/disable]. As it stands, you can't turn it off without also turning off the ranged reticule.
Finally, the last thing I realised is that you guys have added a nice new feature to the game, but it would be so nice if we could see it! What I am referring to is the new system where the timing (ie. position) of the blow affects how much damage you deal. It would be nice if that information somehow appeared in the text line right beside the speed bonus. Maybe even color code it? Examples: weak, steady, strong. Maybe color the text from green to yellow to red?
=$= Big J Money =$=
Another thing I picked up was a new technique for fighting in melee combat. However, it would be nice if I could make the attack arrows go away. If you get a chance, please add a separate option in settings for the melee targeting reticule[enable/disable]. As it stands, you can't turn it off without also turning off the ranged reticule.
Finally, the last thing I realised is that you guys have added a nice new feature to the game, but it would be so nice if we could see it! What I am referring to is the new system where the timing (ie. position) of the blow affects how much damage you deal. It would be nice if that information somehow appeared in the text line right beside the speed bonus. Maybe even color code it? Examples: weak, steady, strong. Maybe color the text from green to yellow to red?
=$= Big J Money =$=