Mirroring in scenemaking

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Knight at Arms
Hey - quick question, any way to 'mirror' something you have done in the scene editing system? I'm having trouble making everything look relatively similar. If anyone knows, would be amazing thanks :smile:
dang, would be really useful if they implemented this for stuff like castle walls with complicated wall patterns. Ah well will just have to try :smile:
I said negative scale. You scale something to a negative value so it's mirrored.
I think there is a button by the scale values, or stick a - in front of the number.  I've done it numerous times.
Hmm.. I know this already to make things bigger/smaller that way but how do i make a mirror if say a wall section so it looks perfect?
eragoen said:
Hmm.. I know this already to make things bigger/smaller that way but how do i make a mirror if say a wall section so it looks perfect?


click the button to invert the scale
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