Minor text issues (0.711 and probably earlier)

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Knight at Arms
1. In Tulga and Uxkhal, when asking traders what caravans buy and sell from town, they mention "wheat", and the trade item is "grain".. It took couple seconds searching "wheat" among trade items (hmm.. oil, wine, lots of grain, smoked fish.. where is wheat? Wait a sec.. grain, wheat, grain=wheat, ok..)

2. In Tulga, i quit game with automatic save, and when i load game, go to trader and ask what caravans buy and sell from town, he says "Sorry, caravans hardly ever trade anything here". When exiting town and returning, buy-sell text is normal (sell wheat (grain), buy spice)

3. Sometimes, i see enemies called Mountain_bandits and Black_khergit_knights, and sometimes Mountain bandits and Black khergit raiders, so there is low line between words instead of space, but not always. Last time i noticed this on day 10.

I know, these are small things.. :oops: But I just wanted to help to make this game closer to perfection.
The enemy units with _ spawn at a different location than the ones without it, due to the game spawning mechanics, it was the only way Armagan found to make them spawn at more than one location.

Or not, but that's what I was told ages ago, lol. :lol:
Along the same lines as #2, I went to join the swadian faction and then asked the count if he had a mission for me, he said no he didn't at the time. I talked to him again and he had one. I guess he just needed to be pressed a bit :smile:
I just wanted to add one more tiny detail..

4. I knocked unconscious a group of river pirates, who had a farmer as prisoner. I wanted to capture one river pirate and recruit that farmer, and i was able to do both with that button in the middle of screen. But, that button was called "capture". Of course i "captured" the river pirate, but i also "captured" farmer, even he was more like "hired", since i had to pay salary to him.

So this button could change to "capture", when choosing people, who i want to capture, and "hire", when choosing people, who i want to join my group.
5. At main menu, if you press "Start A New Game", and want to go back to main menu, you can't do that by pressing ESC.

Instead, you have to go through gender selection screen, occupation screen, saving option selection, press "ok", allocation of skill points (all three categories, over 22 mouse clicks), give name to your character, press "ok", facial detail screen, at zendar press 2 times "ok" in quick instructions and then, finally, you are able to press ESC, choose "Guit Game" and get back to main menu.
Espresso said:
5. At main menu, if you press "Start A New Game", and want to go back to main menu, you can't do that by pressing ESC.

Instead, you have to go through gender selection screen, occupation screen, saving option selection, press "ok", allocation of skill points (all three categories, over 22 mouse clicks), give name to your character, press "ok", facial detail screen, at zendar press 2 times "ok" in quick instructions and then, finally, you are able to press ESC, choose "Guit Game" and get back to main menu.

LOL yes, that's been annoying me forever. It's so easy to accidentaly click "New Game" instead of "Load Game".. Here's to hoping it's changed in the next version. :wink:
jrawlings said:
Along the same lines as #2, I went to join the swadian faction and then asked the count if he had a mission for me, he said no he didn't at the time. I talked to him again and he had one. I guess he just needed to be pressed a bit :smile:

The "no mission for you" text is actually the default response to asking for a mission. The way the quests are assigned, various variables have to evaluate true. If they don't, the mission isn't assigned and the default text is shown. The only quest where this evaluation actually takes place is the "capture nobleman" quest, where the game randomly picks two enemy cities, start and finish. If the start and finish city are the same city, the mission isn't assigned and the default text pops up.
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