Minor factions fading away...

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I'm a little ways into my game, got 2 castles now when I noticed that I can't seem to find any of the unique enemy hero spawns. I defeated 3 of them with the help of certain elvish people, bt the others (Eyegrim, Wolfbode, Death Legion, etc.) were still roaming around last I checked. Apparently, they got beaten by the enemy lords as I've scoured the map and can't find them anywhere. Plus on checking the victory report I find this:

Jatu - fading
snake cult - crushed
heretics - crushed
barbarians - crushed

I don't remember the exact minor faction names but that's basically it. I was shocked as I really wasn't expected them to be at such a bad state, sure I beat on the Jatu and the snake guys a couple of times but the others I left fairly untouched. Do you think they'll come back? If yes, when? I really want those qualis gems  :sad:.

Plus their minor war parties are such important sources of loot and experience for my troops, I couldn't find a single heretic party on the map! Plus the biggest snake cult party I could find was less than 20 men large!  :sad:. Ironically, it's much harder without them around, fighting lords is way too costly.
Invest in training and bunker down?

My real problem with the game when it reaches the Lords v Lords action is that war parties are either waaaay off any reasonable target, they spend too much time chasing after nothing, or an entire party scatters when 1 lord with 100+ troops ambles onto the scene. Wish there was a way to make the party cohesive and follow the leader regardless. :-\

Also, yeah, it is costly. Trade? Trading adds in -a lot- of income. I always trade in my downtime and just foster an army in one of my castles as I take along my companions to make some money.
I suppose I'll just have to wait. I'm at lvl 30 now and it's takes very very long to level up from this point (actually starting lvl 20). I KNOW I should've maxed my training by this time but darn I just kept pumping str and power strike/draw instead  :cry:

OR I could start over...  :shock:
crianph said:
I'm a little ways into my game, got 2 castles now when I noticed that I can't seem to find any of the unique enemy hero spawns. I defeated 3 of them with the help of certain elvish people, bt the others (Eyegrim, Wolfbode, Death Legion, etc.) were still roaming around last I checked. Apparently, they got beaten by the enemy lords as I've scoured the map and can't find them anywhere. Plus on checking the victory report I find this:

Jatu - fading
snake cult - crushed
heretics - crushed
barbarians - crushed

I don't remember the exact minor faction names but that's basically it. I was shocked as I really wasn't expected them to be at such a bad state, sure I beat on the Jatu and the snake guys a couple of times but the others I left fairly untouched. Do you think they'll come back? If yes, when? I really want those qualis gems  :sad:.

Plus their minor war parties are such important sources of loot and experience for my troops, I couldn't find a single heretic party on the map! Plus the biggest snake cult party I could find was less than 20 men large!  :sad:. Ironically, it's much harder without them around, fighting lords is way too costly.

Thank you for posting this crianph!

I had been thinking that the repression variables were not set correctly and were to stacked against the minor factions which in turn would make them fade out of the game too quickly. 

I addressed this in the next patch... making the minor factions a little more difficult to get to "Crushed" and added some additional verbiage for status's below "Crushed" so you gain a better sense of how these factions are doing.  In addition I would be willing to  post out in a few days more details on how this works you or others have any interest in analyzing it?


saxondragon said:
Thank you for posting this crianph!

I had been thinking that the repression variables were not set correctly and were to stacked against the minor factions which in turn would make them fade out of the game too quickly. 

I addressed this in the next patch... making the minor factions a little more difficult to get to "Crushed" and added some additional verbiage for status's below "Crushed" so you gain a better sense of how these factions are doing.  In addition I would be willing to  post out in a few days more details on how this works you or others have any interest in analyzing it?



Thats great news! I noticed this myself just a few hours ago. And you already got a fix coming. fan-tas-tic

And to get the fanboy stuff out of my system:
You, Mister Saxdragon and your team did an amazing job in creating this mod. Thank you!

One quick question thats bugging me since i conquered my first town ... will the patch break savegames? (please say NO. pretty please!)


Patch is out and it doesn´t break saves. Apart from that, starting is the best fun - till you hit lvl 20 (which is roughly were my midgame starts)
saxondragon said:
crianph said:
I'm a little ways into my game, got 2 castles now when I noticed that I can't seem to find any of the unique enemy hero spawns. I defeated 3 of them with the help of certain elvish people, bt the others (Eyegrim, Wolfbode, Death Legion, etc.) were still roaming around last I checked. Apparently, they got beaten by the enemy lords as I've scoured the map and can't find them anywhere. Plus on checking the victory report I find this:

Jatu - fading
snake cult - crushed
heretics - crushed
barbarians - crushed

I don't remember the exact minor faction names but that's basically it. I was shocked as I really wasn't expected them to be at such a bad state, sure I beat on the Jatu and the snake guys a couple of times but the others I left fairly untouched. Do you think they'll come back? If yes, when? I really want those qualis gems  :sad:.

Plus their minor war parties are such important sources of loot and experience for my troops, I couldn't find a single heretic party on the map! Plus the biggest snake cult party I could find was less than 20 men large!  :sad:. Ironically, it's much harder without them around, fighting lords is way too costly.

Thank you for posting this crianph!

I had been thinking that the repression variables were not set correctly and were to stacked against the minor factions which in turn would make them fade out of the game too quickly. 

I addressed this in the next patch... making the minor factions a little more difficult to get to "Crushed" and added some additional verbiage for status's below "Crushed" so you gain a better sense of how these factions are doing.  In addition I would be willing to  post out in a few days more details on how this works you or others have any interest in analyzing it?



GREAT! Thanks a lot!

I suppose I'll hang on to my present game for a while and see how it evolves but yeah it does seem that the minor factions seem too handicapped (with the lords having auto spawns and all...)
I am restarting now, before i play til day 300, and indeed the minor factions was all crushed, only the mountain riders still there with 2 huge armys.

The herethics where crushed by the game, i rareley touch them.

I destroy 3 big jatu-armys with the help of my elvish friends, dont touch the "little" forces.

The snakes... well, thats kind of funny.
I wipe em out likes nothing else, destroy 40-50 partys of them for loot and exp, pull 5 ! armys of them into the deadly elven woods (fortunately they respawned really often in this session).
They are declared as "crushed" but still got 2 armys, the dread legion around (not sure if this one counts to the snakes, for got masses of snake-troops... but also undead? When i am right the anacondas are undead?) and there still roundabout a dozen little partys and warbands around after i let them alone for 2 months.

All in all the jatu still there, but it seems like no big armys spawn anymore.
The herethics are, indeed, vanished, i see a little party from time to time but they´re dead.
The mountain riders still there.
The snakes too, they are declared as "crushed" but still around like at the start.

It is just my opinion, but if possible i wouldnt let them really vanish from game at any time.
Maybe get the "beaten-status" when you destroy a certain amount of armys/partys?
I like to play a session over several years and somehow it would be sad if one of them or all "enemy-factions" would have gone at some time.
Like i said, just my opinion and just my style of playing, i dont have to "beat the game".
Ah SD has already made changes with the latest patch. I guess it's restart time for me too. In my old game it wasn't even day 200 before all the minor factions were "crushed", and that's with me mainly fighting only half of them. It's kind of underwhelming.
Wolfsblut said:
It is just my opinion, but if possible i wouldnt let them really vanish from game at any time.
Maybe get the "beaten-status" when you destroy a certain amount of armys/partys?
I like to play a session over several years and somehow it would be sad if one of them or all "enemy-factions" would have gone at some time.
Like i said, just my opinion and just my style of playing, i dont have to "beat the game".

Dont know, the dynamic system that there is now is kinda cool for us who aim to beat the game. One thing that i think would please both views is making the factions reappear after an x time of being crushed. That way no matter how long you play the small factions would be arround, but also you'd be able to finish the game with the current system.
If you leave the minor factions unmolested long enough they will finally reeppear but not with a big bang but steadily and slowly until they hit critical mass and spawn like mad. Hehe.
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