Michael Jackson is dead

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All ped...eer, I mean pop fans?

No, but seriously, this kinda sucks cause his music is like legendary.
I would've liked it if he hadn't gone all crazy with wanting to be a whitie and all. Other than that, we'll miss you, Mr. Jackson.
Personally the guy is a freak, but he's also a genius songwriter and performer in his own right.  We played some of his tunes off of Thriller back in the 80s, and I enjoy his old videos and music from time to time.  I certainly don't wish him dead.

Has it been confirmed that he died?  I'm not finding anything on that yet.
Nah, he's alive. In bad condition, but alive. He was in "cardiac arrest" and was resuscitated by the paramedics, apparently.
The Mercenary said:
Nah, he's alive. In bad condition, but alive. He was in "cardiac arrest" and was resuscitated by the paramedics, apparently.

Nope. He's dead. My sister lives in LA and the local news is all over his death.
The Mercenary said:
Nah, he's alive. In bad condition, but alive. He was in "cardiac arrest" and was resuscitated by the paramedics, apparently.

Not so. Look in the 'breaking news' in the link:

Well, I mean... ****, man. I mean, I know he was all paedophile-like a few years ago, and he kinda became the boogie man of all those fearing rape, but damn...

Well, dunno bout' you guys, but I'll remember him during his more awesome days. You know, when he was still black.
He's been 'dead' for a while - the guy was a recluse, and hasn't completed a tour in over a decade.

He's just more dead than he was last week now.
well, the sad thing is i have friends who paid like 80 quid for tickets to see him this summer at the O2 :s
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