Resolved Method checking relations between player and npcs not functioning correctly

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: The method GetUnmodifiedClanLeaderRelationshipWithPlayer() is used in various places in the game including a few conversation tags and romance reservations, but instead of checking the clan leader's relationship with the player, it just checks the relationship between the player and the npc they are talking to (which can be any clan member). When the method checks the player's relations with a non clan leader, it will always return a value of 0, no matter what the player's actual relations with the clan are, which can block certain dialog lines and a part of the romance mechanic.

How to Reproduce: Earn some relations with a clan or use the console to grant some. Place a breakpoint in the code in a location where GetUnmodifiedClanLeaderRelationshipWithPlayer() is used, such as in the FriendlyRelationshipTag class. Talk to a non clan leader npc so that the breakpoint will trip, and check the value that the method returns (should be 0). Now go talk to the leader of the clan, and it should return the proper value of the relationship between the player and clan.



On that same topic, this issue with the HostileRelationshipTag is still unresolved.
Hey, i would like to inform you that our team have fixed this issue and the fix should be implemented. Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
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