Resolved Metallurgy perk not working.

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No, I didn't use any mods.


Summary: If the party engineer has this perk, any equipment looted from a battle that would otherwise have a negative modifier (tattered,crude, etc...) will have an 80% chance of being normal instead.
How to Reproduce: Fight battle with and without perk. Tested it on e1.7.2 fought battle twice and didn't notice any reasonable/visible gain of items without negative modifiers ( at least for items above 200 dennars, since they do occur for cheaper ones).
Have you used cheats and if so which: Yes, set main hero skill (engineering 225), add units to hero party, teleport.
Media (Screenshots & Video):
I've been informed that this bug is fixed and the fix will be sent to the game with future patches. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
Could you re-open it? It still doesn't work. e1.8.0 Beta branch.
After taking perk I sorter the items, by their value and after passing about 80 of them I didn't notice a single one without a negative modifier.
Could you ask the "dev team" what this perk should do? Maybe it shouldn't affect those more expensive items, but only the cheapest ones? (Like tier 1/2).

Here's another video.
I have tested it out myself and got same results of not seeing a noticable (as much as the perk suggests) effect.
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