Metal and Co bank

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                                                                                                                        METAL & CO BANK [RCC]


This is a revive of the old thread, from v3 - now for v4 of PWMOD (and for those who think this is not the first bank to be set up, look at the date the thread was made  :wink:)

Well, this is now a bank run by the admins of the RCC server  :grin:.

Bit o'history
This bank was first started in the Valley of Swamps map (v1.2 of the map i think it was), it served it's customers faithfully until a few months ago - when it shut down. After that - Splintert's bank was set up, but this bank had around 1 million denars at one point - a very large sum.
All of the original features are still going to be there.

But now, it's been set up for v4 - much like the NA bank (just for the RCC server)

how it works

1. There is no max deposit.

2. Minimum deposit of 2.5k (if it falls below that - your account will be shutdown)

3. loans can be given out, max,10k

4. If you take out 1k, you will have to pay 2k back. (double the amount originally borrowed must be paid back).

5. Faction accounts are also available.

6. Interest rates of 10%, every week. So if there is 25k in, and it is left for a week - it will go up to 27.5k

7. If an account is left inactive for more than 3 weeks. It is closed.

I hope that is clear to everyone.  :grin:

Deposits Below:
1. Slavegirl - 28k
2. Marcus_Ravenwood - 30k
3. Lucious - 200k
4. Marvin_Thebird_fistravec - 8k
5. Miraw - 2.45k
6. Hadro - 20k

Loans Below:

Faction Accounts Below:

Most admins on RCC are bankers, please contact me if there is a problem  :grin:.

Thank you, best regards - Metalhead, Chief banker of the Metal & Co bank.

                                                                                                                                      Proud to serve


I love idea and I will help with my spare money ( I allways have some) as the small investor. ... What if somebody will take loan and quit (accidentally or for purpose) ?

You should make some risk assessment :roll:... How poor knight will pay you back money you will lend him. I would focus on savings for start. Do not worry to much about making profit for investors at the beginning...

How I see it: 1.I make money as trader. 2. I put money in bank. 3.I say I will go back in 15/30min. 4. I eat my dinner. 5. I go back and I claim my money back. 6. I pay interest of 10% (YES THIS IS FAIR...more in medieval times was forbidden by church, less would not pay salary of your staff)

I have to use the same char to do so...

EDIT: What I would do really: As trader I can spawn for free all goods if you do not have money (It has to fixed in some point). You have to sell them in some point. With bank working you can: 1.sell you goods; 2.put your money in bank; 3.spawn new goods for free; 4.sell them and then pick money from bank or carry on.... :grin:
But Metalhead If you leave the server you will loose all the money. If someone has deposited 100 k you will have to make that money the next time you log on. I guess this is an obvious problem but I'm just curious what your solution is. Also isn't a max amount of money you can have?
I managed to get 455k in my bank before, but I ended up whit 400k. Now it is all useless tho. Guess why?

I wanna sign up as a Head guard. I can also be a Co banker if it is needed :smile:
Perkele_JOPOTINTTI said:
admin cheat *wink*wink*
It could be it...If only admins would like to carry on with bank (or be a bank "adviser") I do not see reason why not...

It would be great if money would not dissapaer...maybe one day :roll:
No ill just chase you up  :grin: - And yes i do use admin cheat , but for RP purposes not so i can just get legendary sword and 50k armour running around killing bandits  :grin:
Also in case you didnt see the part which says that this is player run! so its when the players choose to run it  :mrgreen: cause im not on all the time
It would be brilliant if lazlo eventually added some bank guard uniforms and banker clothes :grin:
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