Merchants notebook and trade experience

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Although you can still take notes with pen and paper in your hand , it would be fine add a noteboke to game (like neverwinter nights) to note which city pays how much for something.( or to take notes about anything)

Also as merchants rely on trade than battle, there could be more trade missions for them and selling urgently needed goods to cities could give some experience.
If you did that you would have to make the trade and inventory skills have their own experience system and level up independently from the battle skills, because you wouldn't be getting this exp by fighting, you would get it by trading.
no need for that.
experience from trade could be minimal also it doesn't include every trade.

Another option (and better i guess) is trade missions so you wont get exp by trading but completing the mission. and these missions could only be given to a player which has a certain amount of trade skill. (like you need a certain number of man to be able to get escortmissions by townmerchants.)
Personally, I like the idea of having trading and combat skills level up independently. That would make people go, "Level 50 trader eh? What level are you in combat?"
this suggestion gave me another idea (possibly mentioned, didn't found in search, but to be sure i wont start a now thread)

so the notebook is a nice idea. but a game diary would be sweeter, it'd show what goods you delivered, towns you visited, tournament fights won, enemies defeated and such. maybe show how much money you made in one day.. or loose.
On "recue the girl from bandits" missions, it would be nice to have in the quests log something like: rescue girl at x and bring her back to y.
It would help kiping track on where you have to bring her back.
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