merchants guild :P

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i'm playing a merchant and i have done a list of all the citys and what they sell and buy now i need to know if there is a way to get a map or something to print so i can make a route to be more efective when trading if any one knows where to get it pleas tell me.

i will translate my list whit the costs and profit of te sellings so all of you can use it .

i don't know how to put it here please tellme how to do it
And while you're at it, check out this more informative thread

And look at these maps:


Here is the route that takes you past every city in (i think) the minimum time.

Here is the route for maximum profit in minimum time. It goes past all the large money making commodities.

Wow thanks guys that will make it easy now im making a lot of money
whith thivery to other caravans and seelling their stufs :razz:
Well, just make sure the hunter doesn't become the hunted :wink: It certainly doesn't feel good to have all that velvet taken from you :neutral:
Yep, precious cargo can make you extremely cautious and emotionally involved in the game.

Invest in a ton of horses and some pathfinding skill to avoid getting an entire shipment of velvet jacked by black khergit riders.
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