Of course. And, why not? Forging the player own faction, giving it even a name, a purpouse, and going to war against the other two.
It's all about what we want. Or better yet, it's all about what armagan decides to do.
As of now, this game reminds me mostly of Pirates! from Sid Meier... and it's really not a bad thought.
Everything, in the end, resides on the developer's shoulders... Armagan, though, as many advantages:
1)He doesn't have to answer to publishers, so he can do what he wants when he wants
2)Mount&Blade is *not* a game for the "mass", the mass will go after unreal tournament, half life 2, Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights... this also mean that the "gamer's level" for this community is much, much higher than those of other games. This translates into better suggestions, more "cohesion" with the developer, and a wish, by the gamers, for the developer to prosper with his game. It's a small, beautiful miracle that happens in small communities, and that's why i love small communities and hate wichever "massively something" exists. Insects are made to live in colonies of thousands of individuals with no sense of identity, not men, and the degrade of big cities is just the last proof. But i am digressing
3)I deleted this, it was a bit unclassy on my part.
All in all... i think things could go well enough... and also, well... making a game following the suggestions of the gamers will absolutely make that game sell more, and get higher scores