"mercenary" concept

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I think it would be nice to add some more freedom to the player... the possibility to switch sides in the conflict as he sees fit. Today i am workind for the swaidans, tomorrow i'll be working for vaegirs. And so on and so forth, contemplating, in beetween, bandit career (but this has already been said).
I'd like the ability to swap sides but if i've been waging war against them i don't expect them to accept me easily.
ShadowMoses said:
I'd like the ability to swap sides but if i've been waging war against them i don't expect them to accept me easily.

Of course, we could do missions to rebuild little by little our reputation :razz:

A good mercenary squad would never lead one of the factions to HATE them... after all, wars are win and lost, and strange as it may seem, mercenaries ARE "neutral"... it is not in their interest to ally themselves fully with a faction, especially if it ends on the losing side :razz:

Of course... that is valid only if Armagan think that the whole "mercenary concept" is good.
Hmm, but a mercenary works for profit, so if you're having to cough up to do missions for the other side... I think maybe there should be a practical way of proving your worth to your erstwhile enemies. Perhaps you could promise to lead a raid on a caravan belonging to your previous employers or something, instead of having to pay a bribe? Although the bribe option could still stay, because if you're rich enough it won't be a problem.
A quest like 'Raise knights' or, better, 'Bring prisoners" is a good option too. Preferably done a few times, each giving you a few reputation points, (but no gold, only exp!) until you’ll be considered trusty enough to be accepted as a recruit.
Or just a plain bribe, like it's now.
Not escorting a caravan, leading a raid on an enemy one. :razz: You show your changed loyalties by wreaking havoc on those who you were previously working for, sort of thing.
Balor said:
A quest like 'Raise knights' or, better, 'Bring prisoners" is a good option too. Preferably done a few times, each giving you a few reputation points, (but no gold, only exp!) until you’ll be considered trusty enough to be accepted as a recruit.
Or just a plain bribe, like it's now.

Hmm... that sounds logical. Basically, in another thread I'd suggested that we should have more options when we encounter people. Like attacking (even if they're "allies"), or if there's two groups fighting, to choose which to attack (or both).

This would lend well to us just running up and attacking some forces of one side or the other to raise our rep with the opposite faction.

And I still think that bandits/pirates/etc should be factions we can work for. Maybe become a leader of one of those groups. :smile:
A very simple way to do this is to have a Mercanaries Guild (a little cliche maybe, but bear with me) in a neutral city. Membership of this Guild would forbid you from allying yourself too closely with any one faction (though perhaps you could break this and get chased about by your former comrades) but would mean you could recieve contracts from any faction (though only one at a time, and relations would continue to deteriorate/improve just at a much reduced rate). The Guild would also give you missions of it's own and would provide you with equipment, soldiers and a safe haven. As a Sellsword you would be viewed with distaste by the Nobility on either side and would recieve smaller rewards than a sworn in recruit.
Yep... but then you have to work in the blurry lines between mercenary and brigand. Some mercs have their own codes of honor, only going to war if paid, while others give not a fig for human life and would gleefully beat a band of refugees into submission and sell 'em into slavery.
Well I believe thats something that should be up to all players, not just those that choose to sell their honour to the highest bidder.
Of course. And, why not? Forging the player own faction, giving it even a name, a purpouse, and going to war against the other two.

It's all about what we want. Or better yet, it's all about what armagan decides to do.

As of now, this game reminds me mostly of Pirates! from Sid Meier... and it's really not a bad thought.

Everything, in the end, resides on the developer's shoulders... Armagan, though, as many advantages:

1)He doesn't have to answer to publishers, so he can do what he wants when he wants

2)Mount&Blade is *not* a game for the "mass", the mass will go after unreal tournament, half life 2, Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights... this also mean that the "gamer's level" for this community is much, much higher than those of other games. This translates into better suggestions, more "cohesion" with the developer, and a wish, by the gamers, for the developer to prosper with his game. It's a small, beautiful miracle that happens in small communities, and that's why i love small communities and hate wichever "massively something" exists. Insects are made to live in colonies of thousands of individuals with no sense of identity, not men, and the degrade of big cities is just the last proof. But i am digressing :razz:

3)I deleted this, it was a bit unclassy on my part.

All in all... i think things could go well enough... and also, well... making a game following the suggestions of the gamers will absolutely make that game sell more, and get higher scores :smile:
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