Menus occasionally mess up and screen starts artifacting.

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I'm playing this mod, and I have to say it is WONDERFUL! But sometimes, the menus get messed up (like the icons for stuff warp and buttons shift to weird positions and sometimes half the screen is black) and then recently (as I type actually) the game started displaying some HEAVY artifacting.

Even when I leave the game I get heavy artifacts on my desktop and everything. What's going on here?

When I restart the artifacts go away.

From what I gather around the board, it might be a Dx9 problem? Is that correct?
Temps are fine. I play Crysis on High and it doesn't overheat.

In fact, this happened once before while playing an Original Mount & Blade mod. It wasn't overheating then, though, either.

And it happens at such non-intensive times. I was talking to a village elder, and asked him if giving him 500 schillingas would make the farmers like me. Then I took a look at the village's goods and that's when the menu messed up and it started artifacting.


Changing to Dx7 fixed the menu and artifacting errors.
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