Mendavillion is OP

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-Ridiculously powerful on both foot and horseback
-Why can it be swung from side to side?
-Absolute game breaker in modes with no friendly fire (Siege, TDM)
-Exploitable in Skirmish too
I agree, the Heavy Menavlion does over 170 damage for a swing, compared to the heavy two handed axe which only does 150 damage. For its speed and range its ridiculous the amount of damage it does.
Hi, the Menavlion just got nerfed in the last patch, we are following how it is performing and will nerf further more if necessary.
As for the Peasant Levy, we are monitoring the performance.
Peasants are easily countered and were heavily nerfed in the beta already. It takes 3+ swings with a bill hook to get a kill usually. The only issue can be when massing them (peasant spam) but that's no different from spamming rabble, or even cav, etc.

Menav class is once again bottom tier in Captains mode. I'd say the nerf did its job, possibly a bit too much as Heavy and Long were already too slow to really be viable in regular situations and are now even less usable. Haven't been able to test the changes in Siege mode yet.
Hi, the Menavlion just got nerfed in the last patch, we are following how it is performing and will nerf further more if necessary.
As for the Peasant Levy, we are monitoring the performance.

Is there any chance we will get more mechanical changes to the game to help fight against 'stronger' weapons like Menavlion and other 2 handers? I think they would be much more manageable to fight against without block delay for example (brings back tap blocking and allows 1hs to spam more in close combat vs 2h).
Crushed through!

Damage received: 169

This is reality.

Crush-through issues aside, the problems that made the menavlion overpowered broken still persist.
The massive reach coupled with the ridiculous damage output (even with the "hilt" of the menavlion at point blank range), it's usage in non-friendly-fire game modes like Siege and TDM (where you can swing it haphazardly and conscience-free due the fact you can't hurt teammates), and how exploitative it is on horseback has never been properly addressed.

P.S. I am a self-professed shameless min/maxer who has no qualms with cheesing my way to victory. Seriously, when it comes to winning nothing is beneath me. That being said, I don't even use the menavlion anymore because it makes me feel dirty. I think that speaks for itself.
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